"Has anybody on this forum spent more hours and invested more effort patiently answering questions than I have?" - that's your trip man !
At the end of the day if one chooses to believe in a God, greater intelligence, designer, personality behind the design or not ...............so what - NONE of us can Prove conclusively any of this either way ...anyway .............back to square one and in 10 years from now if this question is raised it will almost be a ditto of the current one -
I will say this once again about this forum : It has developed a signature that strongly implies that if you dont comment "in-line" with a certain thought grouping here eg Evolution etc ...if you present a contrary view you are going to me insulted, torn apart, abused by the underlying "following" - This has become a forum biased strongly only to Evolutionary / Atheistic view - and we dont like you to go against the flow !
Maybe the Culta-nouveau !