Saintbertholdt - I have seen worse comments on this forum ! I generally follow your comments with interest - and yes my kids [no GC's yet ] do not believe in the God I brought them up to believe in in the Borg - I no longer feel gutted and stricken by that - the old WTS induced fear is no more - I am glad the kids are thinking about things-
shepherdless - Thanks - Don't worry - always calm when I am here - would not dare expend unnecessary energy on these things they are not life and death issues anymore - have been around here on JWN for a long time - do enjoy being here - Ride the punches, go with the flow ... we are all victims of victims and followers of followers ... so I mostly read everyone's offerings here with empathy and sympathy:
Interestingly a Public Talk Outline of some years back - "Evidence of God in the World around us" did intimate in the opening Sub-heading that we only believe in God [a god] due to 1- Our parents told us so and or 2 -experiences we have had or heard of from others by which we decide to decide for ourselves that perhaps there is this Deity etc - and then it gets reinforced by our own doing eg going to a Kingdom Hall and having it drummed into us etc etc We really cannot "Prove" it - we accept it if we so decide [or get forced to if in an extremist religion etc] I know people who feel comfortable to believe in a God / Superior Intelligence "out there" but who don't read the Bible or belong to any formal creed - I think for the now I am kinda in that Zone myself - I don't evangelise it or force it - just reflect and meditate on the possibility -
So for the now - juandefiero - yes I do say/feel that he cannot be proved Conclusively but I still stand in awe and marvel -