So what ! So now she is knocked-up ...! Let her her life and enjoy being a Mama - lest we start to resemble vultures waiting for the kill so we can pounce on our favorite past-time here .................
JoinedPosts by AFRIKANMAN
Serena Williams
by TweetieBird indo you think serena will get df'd now that she has a bun in the oven?
or was she ever baptized, in that case she would just be marked, right?.
Next time you hear a JW say, "we're the most persecuted religion on earth, proving Jesus' prophecy...."
by kpop inplease show them this.... easter 2017, christians ‘most persecuted group in the world’.
during the last calendar year, some 90,000 christians were killed for their faith across the globe, making christians by far the most persecuted group in the world, according to a study from the turin-based center for studies on new religions (cesnur).. while tens of thousands of christians are killed for their faith, introvigne said, they are just the tip of the iceberg and much persecution takes place on a daily basis that never makes news..
dear jw's, it's all about being a christian that is important, not being a jw!!.
blondie - Pre-xactly ! Forum 18 shows other groups under the cosh too.
The Trump Connection
by Coded Logic ini'm a little dumb struck to see that donald trump's first cross word against russia are in support of the jws..
is this because trump genuinely values freedom of religion?
or is it because his son in law jared kushner has financial dealings with the jws?
Has that report been validated?
Well - all the same. So Trump supports the JW and thus a worldly politician and also a major part of the Beast etc supports God's "True Ch." on earth today and so now Satan is giving indirect succor to the JW . Org! Oh dear .............
So any day soon F 15's will be giving air support to the Celestial Chariot ................
If the press or a govt. agency had to ask JW leadership if they disfellowship members for accepting Blood the answer would be NO ! [But back home you would be shunned all the same and an announcement would be made that YOU no longer consider yourself a JW !
Same with voting ......this covers the JW Org ass where Voting is compulsory - eg
Serena Williams Pregnant
by wisdomfrombelow innow that she has announced that she is 20 weeks pregnant and not married, what is her status in the cult?
Why bash her at all ? We often moan on this forum about how restrictive life in the Cult is/was and how we missed out on opportunities in life eg Higher Ed / sport etc etc . and then when we encounter someone who followed their own head we get pissed off !
Sour grapes maybe /
Cart witnesser with beard
by neat blue dog in’s-are-now-allowed-to-have-beards-and-publicly-preach/.
ok ok, so it's in ukraine..
Beards are being overlooked in my area it seems - But I am not in the mainstream no moh! However a bearded elder spoke to a family member last week. So...??
Dear supporters of Russia's JW Ban:
by Jehalapeno inthis is the kind of government you are supporting.. over 100 gay men have been sent to concentration camps for homosexuals in chechnya and three people have been killed.. stop supporting fascism.. if you support the russia jw ban, what other thoughts and beliefs are you ok with policing?.
if you support the jw russia ban, have you read george orwell's 1984?
don't you realize you are advocating for literal fascism when you support the banning of a belief system?
BANNED on the Run !
RUSSIA: (5 April 2017) Jehovah's Witnesses hearing under way
by jwleaks inthe trial has begun.
the crowd on the street (see photo) is now inside and the gallery is packed.. yesterday jehovah's witnesses presented a written legal argument - "objections to the administrative claim of the ministry of justice of the russian federation" - to the supreme court of russia which, in paragraph 254, argued that if the ministry for justice liquidates and bans the activities of jehovah's witnesses then this will force individual members to renounce or abandon their religion for fear of persecution.. download legal argument (russian).
Follow the Assets !
And of course it does not have the negative, sleazy image of the ARC proceedings - This is Rock-Star stuff. The Stones are in town !
This will deflect attention from all the other shit for a few days !
by FedUpJW inplease excuse me for long-winded ranting.
i know, as do most of us here that "love" is not something that the jdub's are known for except in their deluded, feeble minds.. i can handle their hypocrisy when it is directed at me, but when it is aimed at family who for decades have genuinely been the type of jw that the watchtower presents to the public, and when it is motivated by pure hate, then i get pissed!.
my mother was dunked in the 1940's and my father in the 1950's.
FedUpJW - its one of those accounts which makes me want to take a baseball bat and enter the KH and cause mayhem - due to pure indignation and irritation !
Our own faithful and kind mother was buried in August 1016 - she had been bedridden due to PSP for the last 4 years of life.
NOT ONE visit in that time by the Eldubs ! And NOT ONE visit by the sisterhood at all -