The drama was uber-lame. The only way it could have been worse, was if Loesch was the narrator. One more boring talk from him and I would have gladly drank Kool-aid. - DD
If I pretend to be an accountant, but can't add up, or if I pretend to be a doctor but don't know my head from my ass, then the bluff is called out! - stuckinarut2
Ahhhhhhahahahaha lolololol !!!!!! Very Funny Stuff!!
I sooooo need this convention to be lame. It will help me and hopefully the wifey to see things clearly.
If this thing is half as lame as y'all describe, they will drop numbers next year. If they can't brew up some holy magic on this anniversary year special convention yadayada, people will walk away with buyers remorse. Some people are spending thousands of dollars to participate in this stuff!!
Anyway, thanks for the laughs and the reports.