It looks interesting. This is the first I've heard of it.
Are you affiliated with the site? If not how did you come across it?
at a higher eschelon jw mentions that at a meeting of co's with do's it was stated that website is the biggest pain in the side of the governing body.. do you feel that what's being published at is having a big effect on the gb and / or on the congregations?.
if so what is it about their articles there that are opening jw eyes to an awakened state where so many others have tried and failed to awaken jws?.
what do you foresee could hapen as a result of pressure from and their articles on the gb's attitude and their reactions?.
It looks interesting. This is the first I've heard of it.
Are you affiliated with the site? If not how did you come across it?
is the governing body defaming god's name?.
doesn't the claim to be "spirit-directed" and to be "jehovah's organization", to only turn around and spread falsehood (aka old light), actually indirectly call god a liar?.
great scripture LQ
we've all heard the old saying:.
any job worth doing is worth doing right the first time.. but, this would not seem to apply in the only organization on earth claiming to be solely guided by jehovah!.
in the watchtower society, the governing body gathers in a board room and prays, discusses and votes.. presumably the prayer invokes holy spirit of jehovah.
Good points RV2000 (hey that sounds like a cool motorhome)
I agree wholeheartedly. How insulting to God.
is the governing body defaming god's name?.
doesn't the claim to be "spirit-directed" and to be "jehovah's organization", to only turn around and spread falsehood (aka old light), actually indirectly call god a liar?.
Is the Governing Body defaming God's name?
Doesn't the claim to be "spirit-directed" and to be "Jehovah's organization", to only turn around and spread falsehood (aka Old Light), actually indirectly call God a liar?
1984 and big motherby randall wattersno one thought much of the book when it was first published in 1949, nor, in fact, did it stir much attention for a number of years thereafter.
in the last two decades, however, the book1984 by george orwell has drawn a much greater reading audience.
orwell portrays a society brainwashed by political ideologies to the point where they are intolerant of any other mindset.
So well thought out and true.
Thank you for posting it.
They brag about unity so much, but unity based on fear and lies and "doublethink" for miles - is no real unity at all.
Controlling mind games is not unity.
Tell the truth, GB, and see how much unity you have.
Be transparent about your finances and accounts and money flow and see how much brotherly unity you have.
Publish the minutes of your "spirit-directed" governing body meetings and see how much unity you have.
Include all of your past publications on the website online library and see how much unity you have.
You won't do any of this. Why? Because there is no unity. There is only fantasy perpetuated by deceit.
we've all heard the old saying:.
any job worth doing is worth doing right the first time.. but, this would not seem to apply in the only organization on earth claiming to be solely guided by jehovah!.
in the watchtower society, the governing body gathers in a board room and prays, discusses and votes.. presumably the prayer invokes holy spirit of jehovah.
Thanks BBV,
That at least gives us a rational explanation.
It's just that IBM doesn't tell you you will be killed in the not-too-distant future if you don't comply.
They don't claim to represent the almighty creator of the universe.
They don't threaten to completely shun you or take away your family and friends.
In fact I'm pretty sure if they did, they would have there butts handed to them in a courtroom.
Interesting the difference in latitude given for the label of religion.
we've all heard the old saying:.
any job worth doing is worth doing right the first time.. but, this would not seem to apply in the only organization on earth claiming to be solely guided by jehovah!.
in the watchtower society, the governing body gathers in a board room and prays, discusses and votes.. presumably the prayer invokes holy spirit of jehovah.
Good post Terry.
I have been thinking lately about the scripture at Heb. 6:18 where it is says "it is impossible for God to lie".
When this scripture is considered alongside the subject of "old light", it is hard to defend the GB.
Would the holy spirit (which is God's active force) guide the FDS/GB to come up with, debate over, pray over, send to writing dept, proofread, pray some more, edit, approve, and print millions of copies of, preach, and defend- A LIE ?!!
Certainly, God's holy spirit cannot lie if the God it is coming from cannot lie.
Then you consider the shunning policies, the apostate labelings, and all of the judgement that will be thrown around with not a small amount of self-righteousness in the defense of these lies; and the fact that these lies will be forced on millions of helpless "sheep" that Jesus (as head of the congregation) cares so deeply for according to the scriptures.
You have to answer this question - Who lied????? (somebody did)
Where did the stuff come from?
And that whole "they are just imperfect men" excuse doesn't hold water. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you speak for God (who cannot lie) and are directed by His Holy Spirit (which cannot lie) or you are imperfect men trying to find your way in a dark room. You can't be both at the same time and you can't be one yesterday and the other today.
I also have to ask this: Doesn't the claim to be spirit-directed and to be Jehovah's organization, to only turn around and spread falsehood, actually indirectly call God a liar?
Oh what web we weave.
** Same points as the Terry's OP - just wanted to rant.
wednesday, december 11. his heart did not prove to be complete with jehovah.1 ki.
will we let solomons course be a warning example for us?
(1 ki.
Here it is:
Wednesday, December 11
His heart did not prove to be complete with Jehovah.—1 Ki. 11:4.
Will we let Solomon’s course be a warning example for us? (1 Ki. 11:1-6) A sister might attempt to rationalize forming a romantic link that ignores God’s directive to marry “only in the Lord.” (1 Cor. 7:39) With similar rationalizing, one might share in extracurricular sports or clubs at school, underreport taxable income, or tell untruths when asked to reveal actions that could be embarrassing. The point is, Solomon must have used imperfect reasoning to get around what God commanded, and that same danger exists for us. Solomon had ignored God’s instructions, yet there is no indication that Jehovah quickly rejected him as king or strongly disciplined him. The Bible even relates that God granted his request for wisdom, and He also added riches. (1 Ki. 3:10-13) That accords with the fact that God realizes that we are imperfect humans, made from dust. (Ps. 103:10, 13, 14) Remember though: Our actions can have consequences now or perhaps down the line. w11 12/15 1:10, 14, 15
What does this stuff mean? It just goes around in circles.
"Don't you be bad like Solomon...of course he didn't catch any flack for actually got a bunch of blessings...uh...but don't you do could catch hell for it...pretty sure."
What do you guys think? Seriously. Is this bad writing , bad management, somebody intentionally writing crap, or am I missing something?
my jw (converts of about 5 years) came over on thursday and ate a turkey dinner with us.
we didn't call it thanksgiving, but that was obviously what it was.
they were proud to give me my own copy of the new revised and improved nwt bible.
That comment is something you hear a lot. It is a "shut down" of their thinking, so as to not have to "go there".
People were fooled by the GB and still want to believe since the alternative is unthinkable.
he needs you to do his work for him.
he needs your complete and whole souled devotion.
he needs to be in the first place in peoples lives, ahead of their families and their own needs.
When I read your post I automatically substitute org , fds, GB, etc for Jehovah because that's all I see now asking for these things.