Comment from my dad, "They are smarter than me."

by Faithful Witness 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    My JW (converts of about 5 years) came over on Thursday and ate a turkey dinner with us. We didn't call it Thanksgiving, but that was obviously what it was. They were proud to give me my own copy of the new revised and improved NWT Bible. I admired the quality with them, and thanked them for bringing it to me. I guess they now have a whole stack of them at the KH, due to backorders that were filled for people who already got their copy at the annual meeting.

    My dad was telling me about the JW Library app for the iPad. I admitted that I already had it, and had explored it a little bit. We talked about how cool it was. He made the same statement 3 times during this short conversation: "I don't know, they are smarter than me," when he was marveling at the features on this new app.

    This statement is unusual for the father who raised me. I am a lot like him, and I like to think for myself. I know he's getting older, in his late 60's now, but I find this curious. I did not comment on it, but was supportive of all he said. I will have JW-related conversations and seed planting at other times then his agreeing to come to my house for a pagan celebration. I was glad he came over, and didn't want him to leave with any feeling but approval and love from me.

    Going along with some other comments people have made recently, I wanted to add this observation. He has clearly submitted to the organization and the authority of the governing body. Since he repeated this particular statement 3 times, I don't think it was his own. He must have picked that line up from someone at the KH.

    They are not smarter than you!!

    My mom has actually agreed to stop by sometime during our CHRISTMAS celebration weekend at my house, and my dad might come also! This is huge, so I am not going to even say a word about anything JW until the new year. (After that, game is back on!)

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    He also made the comment that there are more features to be added to the app. That will be interesting.

  • TTATTelder

    That comment is something you hear a lot. It is a "shut down" of their thinking, so as to not have to "go there".

    People were fooled by the GB and still want to believe since the alternative is unthinkable.

  • Oubliette

    An elder once asked me if I thought I was smarter than the GB. For strategic reasons I evaded a direct answer and simply said, "The recent doctrinal changes are confusing and don't make sense!"

    He seemed not to notice that I didn't actually answer his question.

    But it got me thinking. I had never framed the issue in that particular way before. I didn't take me long to reflect and realize that I am in fact smarter than the GB clowns, much smarter. What convinced me of this is the torrent of confusing, incoherent, inconsistent, illogical rubbish they publish in their magazines and try to pass off as "theology."

    Clearly, none of these buffoons are very bright. They are however evilly good at manipulating people. They are in fact masters at that skill.

  • KateWild

    WT use intellectual intimidation. The nulite is convoluted on purpose. Oub you are right when you say they are clever at manipulation, so they can't be baffoons too. I am not buying it, I think there is a dissenter on the GB, like Ray Franz, because some of the publications are so obviously designed to help us learn TTATT. Like this AWAKE for example Can you trust the News Media?

    The GB are teaching the reader critical thinking skills. I am not buying it they are that dumb. Sam xx

  • LisaRose

    Yes, it's a thought stopping device, and its very effective.

    My thoughts process as a JW were:

    It's so strange that they joined the UN to get access to the library, they said it was an evil organization and the scarlet colored beast *but they are smarter than me* so they must have had a good reason.

    It's seems funny that they keep saying Armageddon is just around the corner, since they said that in the 70's. But *they are smarter than me* so it must be true.

    I wish I didn't have to shun my sister, I miss her, it seems so cruel *but they are smarter than me* so it must be what God wants.

    Thought stopping is a very effective cult mind control technique. The person soon does this automatically and doesn't even realize it is not their own thinking but something that has been imposed on them.

  • Londo111

    I love the Blue Letter Bible app on my phone. It is far, far superior to the app.

    Am I smarter than the GB? Well, if I admitted to the affirmative, it would not say much about my intelligence.

  • ablebodiedman

    It's not about being smarter.

    It's about taking a stand for Jesus Christ and the things he commanded us to do which, are written in the bible.

    Like this for instance:

    Luke 21:8

     He said: "Look out that YOU are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time has approached.’ Do not go after them.

    Do not go after them. ................ A commandment!

    Obeying Jesus Christ is a decision that even people with little smarts can make.

    It is more about listening, taking note, and the taking action than anything to do with intelligence.


  • Oubliette

    ablebodiedman: It is more about listening, taking note, and the taking action than anything to do with intelligence.

    Agreed, but I think you're missing the point. In the congregation, this question is a vague form of a "Loyalty Question" designed to test an individual. The ONLY "right" answer is "No I'm not smarter."

  • problemaddict

    I have heard this. I don't think its new. In discussing the blood doctrine for example, on several occasions I have been asked, "Do you think you're smarter than these brothers?".

    In other words, because they are impressed, they could not even see the possibility of the GB or branch being wrong, and you being right.

    I tried a few different responses but none of them worked out well. I pulled out the scripture that says Jesus chose the simple things of the world to put the others to shame......I forgot the exact rendering. I tried asking how they knew how smart these people were or were not.

    Its just a submission thing. Yes its a nice app. There are lots of nice apps. The GB did not build those apps. What does their intelligence relative to anyone else have to do with anything?

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