I agree. They see the r&f as children. (I'm sure there are also some that don't believe at all like phizzy said)
I believe they see the masses (publishers) as people who need someone to tell them what to do, what to believe, what to think, and basically need a fairy tale bedtime story every night to get through life.
They perpetuate a childish dependence and repressed mental/emotional abilities. They do this under the guise of "taking care of the little sheep" that "can't handle the truth".
While there may be some truth to people needing a "mommy", they show their hand when they threaten these same people (they claim to protect) with the cruelty of slander, scarlet-lettering, and banishment.
How could a mentally underdeveloped, dependant, child-like person possibly deal with that level of threat?
The answer is - they can't. They run under the bed and hide mentally waiting for "mommy" to make it all better.
The control techniques are sinister, cruel, and abusive. There is no justification for it.
Love the way franz printed the year number 1975 plainly 3 times in one paragraph while claiming not to be pointing to the date.
"We are not saying" = Bald-Faced Lie