The re-allocation of real estate and printing is not inconsequential.
Canada is printing for the US, which justifies the US sending "payment" for the mags. A legal way to launder money out of the US corps. that face liability issues. There are many legal ways for corps. to protect assets under numerous entities, esp. when they are multi-national. - berrygerry
I suppose interest free loans would still be transacted and therefore "locked" into the US assets of the Corporation. By absolving all loans and just receiving "donations" the Corporation no longer runs a US quasi-business component within it and all the new cash can be freely moved anywhere on the planet without ledger accounts pinning it to US operations.
I imagine this would eliminate many finacial "books" that the could be ordered by the supreme court to be seized or frozen - wallsofjericho
Strong Points....probably closer to the truth than we will ever know.