I thought the accounts report was no longer read from the platform due to less time for the 3 meetings that night.
They would have to resume doing that and that could happen.
Regardless of the anonymous commitments, it will be difficult to hold any specific individual's feet to the fire.
The WTS will want its money from the congregation's main fund. What happened when congregations did not make their mortgage payments? Could the same thing happen with this?
I can remember my husband trying to pay the utility bills (payments to maintenance fund when 2 or more sharing KH), the mortgage, smaller loans to local jws. Often he was borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. The COBOE had to decide the priorities. Have to have lights, heat, AC, phone. The WTS doesn't want their money late>
Utilities/maintenance fund
Other payments to WTS insurance for CO DO
Loan payments to local jws
2700 but only 1400 in donations....what doesn't get paid....CO told elders that the elders had to cough up the difference (that went over well)