I plan to do 10 hours of FS on thanksgiving and 10 hours on Christmas day. Dont want to celebrate those Pagan festivals and get killed by fire, sulphur and Brimstones from heaven
JoinedPosts by EverApostate
Please share your holiday plans
by Biahi inwhat is everyone doing for thanksgiving and christmas?
or is it too early to ask?
we are having thanksgiving dinner at my nieces house.
The Eyes Of Tammy Faye
by smiddy3 ini just watched this movie today and still not sure what to make of it .. did / do these people really believe what they preached ?
on the one hand i would say they did ,however on the other hand they knew religion was a gold mine for them .. and their lifestyle how they live reflected that .. and i can see the gb of the wt in it for the same reasons but they do it without all of the theatrics that these televangelists seem to thrive on.. i look forward to your thoughts on the movie..
2000 years ago - a person claims that god spoke to him – This becomes a religion
Today – A person claims that god speaks to him. Majority of the world would consider him as deluded or a fraud. Only a Few dumb would believe.
Armageddon house?
by exjwlemming inthe other night, my wife and i were driving through a upscale suburb with old, large, beautiful homes.
there is one house that my never jw she really likes.
as we drove by the house, i turned to her and said, "that's your armageddon house.
Many many many times I would hear this in the cutls FS. I wasnt disgusted at that time, as I was in their bandwagon. Now I feel like throwing up.
False members numbers
by asp59 inis watchtower faking there member numbers?
i live in europe.
for the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were df, pimo, left by own will, inactive.
I had been out of the cult since 11 years and truly don’t know what’s happening inside.
When the numbers really go down to an alarming level, the cult would say that Jah is shaking the loose leaves of the trees in preparation of Armageddon. (I think there is a Bible verse on this)
If the Numbers go up, they would say its Jahs blessing and Armageddon is fast approaching. (There are numerous bible verses for this too)
A question I have had since I was in the cult
by mickbobcat inso anointed ones go to heaven and rule with christ.
men and women on earth can be of the anointed.
so does that mean woman are tranny's who are of the anointed?
Right Just4Real, Revelation 14:4 states that the anointed are not defiled by women. (BTW, how dare he says that. Male chauvinistic guy. Where did he and Jesus come from then ?)
So Technically as per Bible, the anointed cant be women.
A question I have had since I was in the cult
by mickbobcat inso anointed ones go to heaven and rule with christ.
men and women on earth can be of the anointed.
so does that mean woman are tranny's who are of the anointed?
Women are not permitted to speak in the congregation, yet they can be anointed. Death Qualifies women to rule with Christ in heaven (As per WT and its not my opinion) in the Kenny Rogers crowd
Was told I was not progressing!
by Overrated inyou're doing everything you can, meeting attendance, field circus, helping out where you can and you are told your not progressing!?!
as anyone had that happen to them in the "trooth "?.
Progressing in “JW” terms means showing Unquestionable faith and dedication to the cult every day, progressively. That means shunning your family members too, in case if the need arises.
Don’t fall for it. When I was a JW the elders would come to me and say that I am not Progressing because of my low FS hours (3 or 4 hrs per month). I always had many doubts and most of the JW beliefs were either ridiculous or too good to be true.
Thank Jehovah, I never progressed and finally quit -
Watchtower Disparages the Bible
by Vanderhoven7 ini'm looking for wts quotations that contrast with ii timothy 3:15-16 whereby they downplay scripture.. here is one from way back..
"...people cannot see the divine plan in studying the bible by itself...if he then lays them [scripture studies] aside and ignores them and goes to the bible alone, though he has understood his bible for ten years, our experience shows that within two years he goes into darkness.
on the other hand, if he had merely read the scripture studies with their references, and had not read a page of the bible, as such, he would be in the light at the end of the two years, because he would have the light of the scriptures," (watchtower, sept. 15, 1910, p. 298).
The Bible says that the snake talked to Eve. Period. Even an 8th grader would laugh at it
WT (and other denominations) interpret it as Satan Talking to Eve.
That’s why they say that reading the Bible by yourself is dangerous. To cover up the silliness, cruelty, Ignonrance and Barbarity – found in the Bible - to suit their agenda
How can you have a deficit for a Circuit Assembly on Zoom??
by pistolpete inremember when after a circuit assembly the assembly overseer would come out right before the end of the assembly and make a special announcement;.
"brothers, we have a financial deficit of $5,000 dollars for our circuit assembly.
keep in mind that we have utilities and other expenses that need to be met.
Well, these GB may have a dificit for flying in business class and for their Luxurious stay in a 7 star Hotel.
Will Christ Be Ashamed To Claim P.IM.O.'s?
by IWant2Leave ini started my fade about two years ago and at present i have no intention of writing a disassociation letter.
the pros and cons of being p.i.m.o.
have been discussed on this forum many times.
Do you think that the Christ will disown us before his Father? (Mark 8:38)
Seems you still believe in this Jesus Story. IMHO, do a lot of unbiased reaearch about this Biblical Jesus and you would be surprised to know that most likely he never Existed and atleast he never performed those miracles as said in the Bible and its all a myth
You would find a lot of peace when you know the truth. The truth would set you free