Crazy guy exactly the JW CULT are masters at spin, and can twist a scripture ever so slightly to fit their agenda...
JoinedPosts by ADJUSTMENTS
1914-1919 ONE QUESTION???
by ADJUSTMENTS inafter reading a great article and video by mr john cedars on his website:.
it raised a very simple question:.
by ADJUSTMENTS ingb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
Coded Logic exactly I would have been taken into the back room the next day for an act like that...
I would have never seen a BOE member do that they were too busy making sure no one was touching too much, mabye an MS and just maybe, and he would be in the back room the next day also!
1914-1919 ONE QUESTION???
by ADJUSTMENTS inafter reading a great article and video by mr john cedars on his website:.
it raised a very simple question:.
After reading a great article and video by Mr John Cedars on his website:
It raised a very simple question:
If Jesus Christ is supposedly the wisest, most perfect, understanding, discerning, knowledgeable, greatest man to ever walk the earth and in the universe why would it take him almost five years to determine wether or not the JW CULT was the chosen one.
Shouldn't it take between him and God only a split second, better yet shouldn't they have already known that?
Is the JW CULT saying Jesus and God are so dense they need years to figure it out?
To add to this C.T. RUSSELLS beliefs in pyramidology, the occult, and freemasonry, and him being buried on a Masonic site to this day with a pyramid tombstone, along with his false predictions, and your telling me Jesus still chose them???
Google or YouTube it...
The fairytales of this CULT are laughable!!!
I'm Sorry I know I said one question...
by ADJUSTMENTS ingb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
How anyone can defend these men and this joke of a "religion" (CULT) is beyond me...
Can somebody say brainwashed?!!!
by ADJUSTMENTS ingb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
AFRIKANMAN I'll do exactly as I please, I could care less about what a JW thinks or does, or if someone doesn't agree with me, as it has no bearing on me or my moral compass. Judgement is left in Gods hands all I do is state the obvious. While we are talking about judgement, It seems he didn't use good judgement in front of the camera...
DATA-DOG That was a good one!!! LOL
by ADJUSTMENTS ingb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
ISLAND MAN It sounds to me you are a JW apologist...
Are you sure you are on the right website and not JW.ORGY. Your INTRIGUED more by my comments than the video itself, defending the GB scum. Are you an undercover bethelite troll like others on this site? They are false prophets so EVIL is already upon them, God has already talked about such men in his word. So Im not sure where you stand on this, but I know where I do. And I've been to the Caribbean and he would have fit right in...
by ADJUSTMENTS ingb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
Caleb you may be right and they do resemble each other if you squint your eyes, but I do believe it's Geoffry, plus I'm going by the youtube video description.
by ADJUSTMENTS ingb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
Lurkernomore, steve2 he is old and almost fell but when you try to swing your hand as if your smacking an a$$...
I've been to my share of night clubs to know what that means...
by ADJUSTMENTS ingb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
GB member and so called "annointed" person Geoffry Jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!! I can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!
I would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and I'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!! This just proves they are just a couple of power hungry, self righteous, no better than the next man, senile, uninspired and unannointed, greedy, evil, foolish, perverted old men!!! Who parties like this when the end of the world is "SO CLOSE"?!!! People are in hospitals dying because they refused a blood transfusion you say is evil, but you don't have the common decency to visit them, let alone give the family a simple 5 minute phone call, but you have time to dance like a lunatic with a random woman... $&&@ @&$?! @&$?!!!! WHAT A F@$&ING CULT!!!
Just a little rank ... LOL
by ADJUSTMENTS incollectively the rank and file in the congregation are like a pack of beaten and abused sheep, licking each other's wounds.
telling each other soon this conditional love, the gb way or the highway, door to door bull@&$?, time sucking, money sucking, life sucking, brainwashing cult will take care of us... matt 9:36. they believe persecution is having a door slammed in their face or a house holder telling them to never comeback.
they also believe you love your neighbor by sticking a wt and aw in their face, but donating to a charity or just going to talk to your neighbor is evil.
Collectively the rank and file in the congregation are like a pack of beaten and abused sheep, licking each other's wounds. Telling each other SOON this conditional love, The GB way or the highway, door to door bull@&$?, time sucking, money sucking, life sucking, brainwashing CULT will take care of us... Matt 9:36
They believe persecution is having a door slammed in their face or a house holder telling them to never comeback. They also believe you love your neighbor by sticking a WT and AW in their face, but donating to a charity or just going to talk to your neighbor is evil. Shaving your beard is evil. Not wearing a Suit Jacket at the meeting is evil. Going to school after highschool is evil. Playing sports is evil. Celebrating the day you were born is evil. Celebrating Jesus birth (so what if the date is wrong) is evil. Talking to and associating with family members who were never baptised to often is evil. Thinking that disfellowshipping is not a scriptural doctrine is evil. Talking to a parent who was unscriptually disfellowshipped is evil. Talking to your son or daughter who was unscriptually disfellowshipped is evil. Talking to a friend who was unscriptually disfellowshipped is evil. Saving your childs life with plasma and parts of blood before the year 2000 and their adjustment to their whole blood doctrine was evil. Reading older publications (old light) is evil. Going online to privately do your own research is evil. Reading the bible by itself without the WT libray is evil. Knowing about their UN NGO connection is evil. Knowing they hide and cover child abuse issues is evil. Doubting is evil. Not getting more than 10 hrs in the ministry is evil. Thinking for yourself is evil. The list goes on... What a joke, sadly the rank and file continue to drink the kool-aid and hope all the fairytales this CULT prints will come true. It's sad, but misery loves company...