JoinedTopics Started by ADJUSTMENTS
ALL religions are a LIE and a MYTH!!! Yes that includes JEHOVAHS WITNESSES!!!
by ADJUSTMENTS inall religions are a lie and a myth!!!
for you fearful religious types, no, i'm not the devil nor do i worship him because he is a lie and a myth.
after you were born and before you were taught what or who to believe in, what did you believe?
Religion is dying a slow death!!!
by ADJUSTMENTS inreligion has run its course, it was used as a way to control growing populations and to give the human race a sense of direction almost like training wheels.
religion has gone on a path of no return... that includes the only true religion of jw's!!!
ha .
The bible has lost its validity...
by ADJUSTMENTS inthe bible has lost its luster during this age of information so many real truths have been brought to light with the help of the internet, that the bible just isn't looked upon the same if at all anymore.
if you can still cling to the bible after thorough research then "god bless you"!
(no pun intended).
Do the Rank & File JW's REALLY read and understand the bible to be able to REALLY start a study with someone???
by ADJUSTMENTS ini believe the average rank & file are illiterate when it come to the bible because they are so used to using the wbats cliff notes... even though i believe the bible is a fiction novel, at least be able to explain a novel you hold is such high regard: i mean jesus!!!
Unconditional Love in the organization and congregations...
by ADJUSTMENTS inthis is so true i couldn't have said it better!!!.
Follow Jehovahs celestial chariot where ever it may go...
by ADJUSTMENTS inthis is the article that kicked off many of the changes that are being made (new kingdumb halls) and the new wbats we see today.
i guess it was their way of saying: "i told you so".... i have to say their brand management, pr staff and rebranding is amazing!
they rival apple when it comes to their level of marketing!!!
The JW's were right!!! The government is starting its turn against RELIGION!!!
by ADJUSTMENTS inthis is what obama recently had to say about religion and how it is causing problems in the world... the prophecy is coming true!!!
we apostates are doomed!!!.
The WBATS has officially become a Fortune 500 company they are going public Monday buy your shares soon while they LAST!!!
by ADJUSTMENTS inwith the recent leak and viewing of the elders video on the new standard construction kingdumb halls the rank & file brobots have officially become employees of a billion dollar publishing and now real estate company, equipped with 7 ceo's and many businessmen as shrewd and as money hungry as any rival fortune 500 company.. the new kingdumb halls look like (i have to give it to them) expertly designed commercial properties that any major office, restuarant or commercial leasing company would package as a ultra versatile space!!!
the old kingdumb halls where a tough resale to the general public because of the custom designing aspects of the old kingdumb halls.
they have completely done away with that issue with these new versatile properties which can be converted to an office/restaurant/repair garage/clinic.
Religion came from EGYPTIANS!!!
by ADJUSTMENTS intake just 10 mins out of your 24 hr day to see what has been hidden from everyone, this video will change your mind about everything you thought you knew....
q. what is the truth?.
a. nothing... is the truth?.