Jehovahs Wittnesses are all in the same boat as Catholics, Christians and Muslims, all religions are false!!!
Q. What at is the truth?
A. Nothing... Is the truth.
this is what obama recently had to say about religion and how it is causing problems in the world... the prophecy is coming true!!!
we apostates are doomed!!!.
Jehovahs Wittnesses are all in the same boat as Catholics, Christians and Muslims, all religions are false!!!
Q. What at is the truth?
A. Nothing... Is the truth.
i have have come to realize most "rank and file" jw's are mentally unstable-to-ill and here is why....
To knock on someone's door year after year hoping they will say yes to a bible stupidy and then go under the water is mental illness... Cover for them all you want... They are ill but undiagnosed as of yet...
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
with the recent leak and viewing of the elders video on the new standard construction kingdumb halls the rank & file brobots have officially become employees of a billion dollar publishing and now real estate company, equipped with 7 ceo's and many businessmen as shrewd and as money hungry as any rival fortune 500 company.. the new kingdumb halls look like (i have to give it to them) expertly designed commercial properties that any major office, restuarant or commercial leasing company would package as a ultra versatile space!!!
the old kingdumb halls where a tough resale to the general public because of the custom designing aspects of the old kingdumb halls.
they have completely done away with that issue with these new versatile properties which can be converted to an office/restaurant/repair garage/clinic.
this is what obama recently had to say about religion and how it is causing problems in the world... the prophecy is coming true!!!
we apostates are doomed!!!.
with the recent leak and viewing of the elders video on the new standard construction kingdumb halls the rank & file brobots have officially become employees of a billion dollar publishing and now real estate company, equipped with 7 ceo's and many businessmen as shrewd and as money hungry as any rival fortune 500 company.. the new kingdumb halls look like (i have to give it to them) expertly designed commercial properties that any major office, restuarant or commercial leasing company would package as a ultra versatile space!!!
the old kingdumb halls where a tough resale to the general public because of the custom designing aspects of the old kingdumb halls.
they have completely done away with that issue with these new versatile properties which can be converted to an office/restaurant/repair garage/clinic.
with the recent leak and viewing of the elders video on the new standard construction kingdumb halls the rank & file brobots have officially become employees of a billion dollar publishing and now real estate company, equipped with 7 ceo's and many businessmen as shrewd and as money hungry as any rival fortune 500 company.. the new kingdumb halls look like (i have to give it to them) expertly designed commercial properties that any major office, restuarant or commercial leasing company would package as a ultra versatile space!!!
the old kingdumb halls where a tough resale to the general public because of the custom designing aspects of the old kingdumb halls.
they have completely done away with that issue with these new versatile properties which can be converted to an office/restaurant/repair garage/clinic.
this is what obama recently had to say about religion and how it is causing problems in the world... the prophecy is coming true!!!
we apostates are doomed!!!.
This is what Obama recently had to say about religion and how it is causing problems in the world... The prophecy is coming true!!! Oh-No!!! We apostates are doomed!!!
with the recent leak and viewing of the elders video on the new standard construction kingdumb halls the rank & file brobots have officially become employees of a billion dollar publishing and now real estate company, equipped with 7 ceo's and many businessmen as shrewd and as money hungry as any rival fortune 500 company.. the new kingdumb halls look like (i have to give it to them) expertly designed commercial properties that any major office, restuarant or commercial leasing company would package as a ultra versatile space!!!
the old kingdumb halls where a tough resale to the general public because of the custom designing aspects of the old kingdumb halls.
they have completely done away with that issue with these new versatile properties which can be converted to an office/restaurant/repair garage/clinic.
LMAO Jonathan its a product of being a JW for so long we all go through it... Ha
I guess the comment in last years KINDUMB MINISTRY: Will this be our last memorial? Was a bit of satire also... because I think we all know the answer to that one now... A BIG FAT HELL NO!!! Ha
with the recent leak and viewing of the elders video on the new standard construction kingdumb halls the rank & file brobots have officially become employees of a billion dollar publishing and now real estate company, equipped with 7 ceo's and many businessmen as shrewd and as money hungry as any rival fortune 500 company.. the new kingdumb halls look like (i have to give it to them) expertly designed commercial properties that any major office, restuarant or commercial leasing company would package as a ultra versatile space!!!
the old kingdumb halls where a tough resale to the general public because of the custom designing aspects of the old kingdumb halls.
they have completely done away with that issue with these new versatile properties which can be converted to an office/restaurant/repair garage/clinic.
with the recent leak and viewing of the elders video on the new standard construction kingdumb halls the rank & file brobots have officially become employees of a billion dollar publishing and now real estate company, equipped with 7 ceo's and many businessmen as shrewd and as money hungry as any rival fortune 500 company.. the new kingdumb halls look like (i have to give it to them) expertly designed commercial properties that any major office, restuarant or commercial leasing company would package as a ultra versatile space!!!
the old kingdumb halls where a tough resale to the general public because of the custom designing aspects of the old kingdumb halls.
they have completely done away with that issue with these new versatile properties which can be converted to an office/restaurant/repair garage/clinic.
Jonathan Drake NO! As Morpheus stated its satire with a heavy dose of reality!!! To view the new design of the kingdumb halls/Commercial properties fast foward the video to 1:07:30
Its will have to be so weird to go to a place of worship that looks freakishly similar to your place of employment... Well the Rank & File actually are unpaid employees so go figure why not have them come to a place that makes them feel comfortable...
It looks like a Mind Control/Brainwashing Workshop where you clock in and clock out...
I wonder if the young ones upon first view of the building will burst out in tears and anguish fearing they are going to see the local dentist or pediatrician...
I wonder how the Sistars will embrace their new clinical and sterile place of "worship"???