If the materialism paradigm were correct then our consciousness would be created by the physical brain. Our sense of identity and all our thoughts which translate into emotions which lead to actions would be dictated by the firings of synapses in the brain. A pedophile couldn't help but molest children. The only thing Hitler could have done was kill millions of Jews. An alcoholic who stops drinking only does so because of chemicals in his brain make him stop.
This rebels against common sense. My personal opinion is if you start with a mistaken belief especially if its viewed as being infallible even if you use logical thought you will come up with answers that rebel against common sense and intuition.
This is one of the reasons I do not believe in materialism. It is a good exercise to follow thru with logical thought what the ramifications of materialism are. This is not to say it can not be true but I do not believe it to be the most likely answer.