Grreatteacher - My view of the divine isn't dependent of the bible so I can't answer your questions in a concise way.
That's true, of course, and it includes all 'teachings' from whatever source. That's an enlightened view - assess, evaluate, accept or discard. But it's not one which sits well with many in the religious world. If you teach that the bible (however defined) is divinely inspired and inerrant, and that your god is all-powerful and unchanging, you have to accept it all - and then try to explain away the unacceptable stuff.
What you say about religions is for the most part true but it is because they are mired in the same aforementioned black-and-white thinking. Religion says you must accept the whole bible. This thread says you have to reject the whole bible. Both are examples of black-and-white thinking.
Or, you 'cherry pick' - and once you start doing that your 'cherry picked bits' may, no will, differ from others and so you've started your own religion/sect/cult - which quite nicely illustrates that religion is a man-made thing built to suit your own circumstances, needs and aspirations.
Of course religion is a man made venture. However most religions have some truths in their core. Starting a religion is a fool's game. Developing our own spirituality without trying to force others is where it's at. However this doesn't appeal to people who are in it for money, power, or adulation.