Scary thought, huh Jeff?
I wonder how many still in the borg know of this?
hi all.. as some of you know, i'm not a jw, nor have i ever been.
i have a friend who is one and have entertained the idea of becoming part of the collective.
that all ended after doing some serious research into the organization.
Scary thought, huh Jeff?
I wonder how many still in the borg know of this?
it's always intresting to hear the answers you get from people about how and when the bible was formed.
many minds go only as far as believing it was simply a compilation of god ordained books that we have to this day.
below is just a small bit of information that many may not be familiar with.
Admitedly, I am not conversant whatsoever in Bible history. All I really know is what I was taught in Catholic school and of that I have questioned alot. One line of thinking that I've entertained for years is that the Bible is not complete. Saw the movie Stigmata and thought the possibility of another gospel riviting. And just read the fiction book "The DaVinci Code" and thought it was marvellous!! It brings into focus a whole other line of thinking that is just wonderful!! It's way too dynamic to try and explain here but a definate must read that's based on true events and people as well as an author's wonderful imagination.
K...this was a serious discussion about Bible history and I've just brought it to a level of movies and books...sheesh!
***zeena leaving the building now, blushing furiously***
hi all.. as some of you know, i'm not a jw, nor have i ever been.
i have a friend who is one and have entertained the idea of becoming part of the collective.
that all ended after doing some serious research into the organization.
Hi all.
As some of you know, I'm not a JW, nor have I ever been. I have a friend who is one and have entertained the idea of becoming part of the collective. That all ended after doing some serious research into the organization. One of the things that I read a while back that had me scratching my head still has me puzzled and I was hoping to ask here.
Is it true that the WTS keeps detailed files on all of its members? Master files that are sent to Bethel? I read that someplaced and find it appalling. In the article, it was stated that that secret file follows members around forever and it contains all of the notes that the elders have ever made on that particular person. For example, should Joe Blow create some sort of ruckus in town A and then move to town B (several hundred miles away), the elders in town B will know in short order what mischief JB did in town A. If that's the case, that is some scary tactic indeed!
Anyone able to comment on this?
well, it was a beautiful, beautiful wedding!
there will be more photos published, i'm sure, as soon as billygoat is up and around.
this was a night of love, friendship, and happiness.
Ya'll have a long and happy life together!!
my hiusband and i left the organization almost a year ago.
since then, i've thought many times of a friend who had da'd herself about 4 years ago.
a few weeks after she'd da'd herself we passed in a bathroom at a local store.
I am just delighted for you!!! That is great! One day I hope to recieve a phone call like that from my friend.
Enjoy your rekindled friendship!!!
i stumbled on to my wife km and started to read it,wow thers alot of crap in there huh,but there was one topic about your dress atire,i cant believe that some people could have a gang of freaks locked away in a building tell them what not to wear such as faddish or trendy fashion ,are jw's so mentally weak.
if there are any jw's here attending meetings wake up and smell the coffee your wasting your life.. tron.
Maverick, you're hysterical!!!!
The friend that I have who is still within the "community" (ahem...I use the term loosely), is drop dead gorgeous (think Marisa Tomei) and dresses to the 9's all the time. I wonder what the elders think of her garb???
i have been reading the threads for about a year now and thought its time to post my story.
i cant remember much up until i was ten except the usual no birthdays, no worldly friends or bad associates.
then it was a series of arguments of why i didnt what to go to church.
Welcome aboard Teela!! This is a great place to hang out!
morning all!.
haven't been around in a long vacations, other family visiting from out out town.
it has been a hectic month or so!
Morning all!
Haven't been around in a long vacations, other family visiting from out out town. It has been a hectic month or so!
Saw this this morning and just wanted to share it; I found it to be quite true. But, oh-oh, hope that doesn't mean ya'll will doubt me now. lol!!
"Believe those who seek the truth; doubt those who find it.
- Andre Gide"
Have a great day out there!
mornin' all!.
k...i've got a nosy question here.
for those of you out there who were never jw's, what brings you here?
Thanks for taking the time and sharing your stories!
I find the whole mentality interesting and sad all at the same time. I can only say that I am so happy for you who see that there is happiness outside of the borg and that you CAN be a good person without the affiliation., kwim?
mornin' all!.
k...i've got a nosy question here.
for those of you out there who were never jw's, what brings you here?
Thanks the link. You are an write amazingly well. Your story is one that is highly interesting. Thanks for posting that!
I guess that my story should be shared too, although it's nothing as interesting as most of yours. :)
Ever since I was a little girl, I have been searching for my "truth". I remember being in church (born and raised Catholic) one day and after the mass, was standing outside with my Grandmother and a bunch of her friends. Being the little girl that I was (maybe 8 or so), they paid little attention to me as they talked about the other people around them. So and so was definately going to hell because of such and such, and OMG...did you here about this other person??? On and on it went and I remember being struck by the hypocrisy of it all. Are we not going to church to learn how to better love our brothers and sisters? And are we not taught NOT to judge? That that job belongs to the Big Guy upstairs?? Who are we to pass judgement like that? So that was the begining of the search for me.
Over the years, I have read about many different types of religions and have taken the best from them and molded my life accordingly (sometimes I refer to this as hedging my bets...hey you never know! LOL). I've had JW's come to my door in the past and have even let them in to discuss their views. Had some pretty interesting conversations too! Then I met my friend, C, where we both worked. She would come over and would talk to me about her views and I would talk to her about mine. There were many many points that we agreed on. We would have long talks too about the whole disfellowship issue as well. THAT was my sticking point...for the life of me, I could not understand how a good and loving God could condone making one of your family as dead if you did not believe as they did. Totally incomprehensible to me.
Then I moved a different country and felt the loss of her friendship deeply. At about the same time as this, she was going thru some mighty nasty times with her husband and the bottom line was that she was to have no more contact with me whatsoever. We talked about this on the phone and out of respect for her marriage, agreed to this. The conversation ended with the caveat that should I ever turn to the truth, then we can be friends again. Our friendship meant so much to me that I started looking into it, even going to a meeting or two. But after those meetings where I was looking around and wondering how in the world could role playing make me closer to God, I decided that the WTS was not for me. That's when the searching for the history of the JW's came to be.
So that, dear people, is my story in a nutshell.
I'm really enjoying reading all of yours! Thanks!