Dress Code

by Tron 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tron

    Hello everyone,

    I stumbled on to my wife KM and started to read it,WoW thers alot of crap in there huh,but there was one topic about your dress atire,I cant believe that some people could have a gang of freaks locked away in a building tell them what not to wear such as Faddish or trendy fashion ,are JW's so mentally weak that they canot use there own minds to decide if they want to where a nice stylish outfit. where does it say that women should only where skirts and not nice dress pants you know the classy looking ones,I guess they must feel threatened by a woman taking controll of her own life. I told my wife that is she wants to wear pants she should, her reply was it wouldnt be approriate because it may not giva a good witness and she wouldnt want to be frowned upon.It really P.... me off to see that they have such a hold on individuals by using techniques of repromaning them or taking away privilage or DF(which i think is a really good thing)

    If there are any JW's here attending meetings WAKE UP and smell the coffee your wasting your life.


  • Gopher

    Hi there Tron!

    I guess they must feel threatened by a woman taking control of her own life.

    Well, actually the Borg feels threatened when ANYONE seeks to take control of their own life. That would be called "independent thinking". Any thinking that doesn't DEPEND on the WT Society is considered selfish, worldly, untheocratic, and shows that a person is "veering away" from Jehovah. But especially women! They have to keep their place in the Borganization, as has often been discussed on this board. You are "spot on" with the above comment.

    I told my wife that if she wants to wear pants she should, her reply was it wouldnt be approriate because it may not giva a good witness and she wouldnt want to be frowned upon.

    Oh, wouldn't that be horrible, to be "frowned upon" ??? It's a fate worse than death for a loyal J-dub. It's really hard to overcome this mindset. If the elders frown on you, it must be the very frown of Jehovah himself !!!!

    using techniques of reprimanding them or taking away privilege or DF

    Only if a person goes to "extremes" in fashion would the elders take them in to a back room and advise them to shape up. If the person insists on not listening, then they may have some "privileges" taken away, although the women really don't have the opportunity for very many privileges anyhow. Extreme in fashion is never a DF'ing offense.

    BTW, why do you think DF'ing is a good thing?


  • garybuss

    Most businesses have dress codes for employees and the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is a business and the Witnesses are their unpaid employees and they are treated as unpaid employees.

    Sales and especially uninvited door to door sales done without benefit of an appointment, requires a very credible approach. The more incredible the product, the higher the need for a credible looking salesperson using an appealing approach. Book society is the name, sales is the game.

    When people become discontent with the product, or the costume, or the private treatment of unpaid solicitors, or when people start wanting to have choices and to think for themselves, it's time to move on.

  • Tron

    Hi gopher,

    Reason why i think for someone to get DF is good,is your out free to choose your own path in life and if what ever freinds you may have had cant respect your decision well the hell with them they wernt friends then anyways.


  • Tron

    True True Gary,

    That goes to say what kind of Organization the Society really is a big buissness,trying to make money.I wonder where all that money goes anyways since they have there own printing Facilitys it must cost them that much and lots of things they do are done by donations and what ever cash they spend its a right off.


  • micheal
    to be frowned upon

    That was a line that I never could stand. Yet I heard that term so much! Such a happy bunch arn't they.

  • Maverick

    GaryBuss hit it right on the head! But what always got me was that the dopes would brag about how cheap their clothes were! I was listening to these guys talk about how little they paid for their suits one night. I was wearing a $900 suit, Itailian loafers and $50 silk tie, not to mention about $2500 in jewelry! I finally had enough and told them I had them all beat. I took my suit of this sleeping drunk and all it cost me was the dry cleaning! For some reason they didn't think that was funny. I sure did! Maverick

  • zeena1998

    Maverick, you're hysterical!!!!

    The friend that I have who is still within the "community" (ahem...I use the term loosely), is drop dead gorgeous (think Marisa Tomei) and dresses to the 9's all the time. I wonder what the elders think of her garb???


  • simplesally

    If you dress to fancy or too "in style" even if its modest attire, just a well cut suit, I mean...............the brothers will tell the sister that she is not modest...... modest in the fact that it may cost too much. If a sister has too many clothes, well then, she shops too much or spends too much, where is her focus? One must concentrate on spiritual things not fashion, not things of this world. Being married was better than single in this regard..........a single sister faces encounters from elders who feel they have the right to tell you what to wear. My first ex-husband didn't put up with any of their comments.

  • Shutterbug
    Most businesses have dress codes for employees and the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is a business and the Witnesses are their unpaid employees and they are treated as unpaid employees.

    Exactly !! Before I retired the place I work for allowed women to wear slacks, no problem. Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush also wear slacks and I hardly think anyone thinks any less of them for doing so. Once we get it thru our heads the WTS is a huge publishing company that needs to sell literature to survive, then some of these rules fall into place. And we thought it was a religious organzation.

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