Hey Sammy girl, here's just a very
warm, and heartfelt huge
H-U-G for you
and a big KISS
on both yer cheeks!
Sending you lots of love.
And always remember that life WILL get better and better, it just takes time!
stressed again with my circumstances.
very tiresome, but i need to be positive.
are you an optimistic soul?
Hey Sammy girl, here's just a very
warm, and heartfelt huge
H-U-G for you
and a big KISS
on both yer cheeks!
Sending you lots of love.
And always remember that life WILL get better and better, it just takes time!
another of my rants.... .
why am i still scared when i read something that the jw's have written?
why does it still upset me to read jw literature?
You're probably right adamah... Maybe I'm just being caught on another tiny piece of old 'cult thinking'... some sort of stupid pride residue about "our" pubs... Need some more rewiring!
under jw.org/children.....become jehovah's friend...time to get ready.....they are encouraging kids to dress the doll up and get them ready for service!!!.
my god......this is so sick.
Of course it's making us vomit when we see this, we're out of the cult. But I have to admit, when my kids were young there was nothing for them, only the Book of bible stories. I often felt sorry for my kids, that they were so left out. At least the organisation is doing something for the kids now. (Even though we know it's brainwashing and dragging them deeper in their cult).
we have not had a tv for about 2 years.
and even befor this we did not have cable and spent very little time in front of the tv.
that does not mean that we are anti entertainment.
We've still got our television set, but we only watch things we've downloaded from the internet or things we've got on DVD, like concerts and movies and nice youtube videos. We are not connected to any cable or satellite provider.
I also download Dutch programs from the Dutch stations to watch every now and then and some old series I used to watch years ago. We don't watch every day.
And yes, it's great to not have to see all those commercials!
so i've been going to doctors for years with chronic fatigue, a condition i managed ok but which took a drastic nose dive in late 2011 to 2012 to the point where i could barely function.
work was part of the problem, so at the end of that year i left that stressful environment.
but in the meantime, for the last few years i've been going to doctors, specialists, psychiatrists and psychologists and undergoing every sort of blood test you can imagine and seeing all sorts of medical people.
Glad you're physically alright Julia, the rest will follow in time. You'll get there, just hang in and let time (and lots or rest) do it's job.
About the house... I've bought houses, even being a JW with my ex-husband together. But if you have to get a mortgage for it, please don't do it! If you can pay for it, so it will be YOUR property it's okay, but as long as you have to involve a bank... better not! We've lost a house to the bank twice. It's a ruthless game they play and they play to win. You think it's your house, but as long as there's a mortgage not a brick in the wall is truly yours!
We're happily renting now, no more worries and if we want to move house we can go whenever we want, without the struggle of having to sell a house first (and the risk of not being able to sell, like we experienced, and being stuck with double payments for months or even years and finally having to face the worst case scenario, like bankruptcy).
i was a chemical analyst.
i loved my job, and love chemistry.
i worked in a variety of fields such a pharmaceutical and industrial.
Started working right out of high school, age 16. Never went to college, since the only thing I was ever told was 'you're going to be a housemom anyway', so my goal was to find a suitable JW-husband ASAP and get away from the suffocating, manipulative and abusive behaviour of my parents. So I married when I was 18 and quit working a couple of weeks before our first child was born. I was 20 then. I was a stay-at-home mom for thirteen years and when I wanted to have a job again my self esteem was very low, so I took a job as a cashier with Aldi's. I just thought I wouldn't be good enough to do anything else.
At the moment I'm learning to be a hypnotherapist.
another of my rants.... .
why am i still scared when i read something that the jw's have written?
why does it still upset me to read jw literature?
When I was out for nearly two years, a sweet old lady I worked for had a surprise for me one day... she had two JW's at the door and accepted a Watchtower and Awake... She thought it would be fun for me to see this, but the second I saw it I got pain in my stomach. I couldn't even get my self to opening them and read... it just made me sick. I told the lady that I understood why she took them and that I appreciated her thoughts of me, since she was only trying to help me and have some fun, but that I wouldn't read them. Later we did have a laugh about it, but the initial feeling it gave me was horrific. Like something awful tried to jump inside my head...
A couple of weeks ago when JW's left their tract in our gate it was the first time ever since that I read something from the WTS. It wasn't really upsetting, but it did give me a couple of funny feelings... knowing that I used to spread things like that (well, actually the tracts in my days were 'a little more' intelligent...)... Like Simon said, it's conditioning that is still there, faint... but still there.
application for holocaust funds.. http://www.swissbankclaims.com/pdfs_eng/watchtowerbible.pdf.
united states district court for the eastern district of.
new york.
Just read about this on JWfacts... this is so very disgusting. Can't believe how unscrupulous the WTS is... It's really only money they're after, time after time!
here's the template of questions to use ready to copy / paste and complete.
feel free to add suggestions for additional questions and to nominate people you'd like to read about (but not no one is obliged to do one).
also, add your own story too!.
Will write mine in a couple of days. It's very encouraging, not to mention comforting, even when you're out for over ten years, to read all these stories and personal experiences.
Last couple of years I've really thought I had put it all behind me, but I can tell by the emotions that pop up reading other people's stories that it's still a wound. Not really open anymore, but still not completely healed. So thanks to all of you who wrote your stories and posted them!
it was a pleasure to interview our own katewild about her experiences and her recent audio recording with the elders.
the link is below:.
Great interview Sam and Eric, well done! Hadn't had the chance to listen to the recording earlier, but this way, with the interview around it, it was a complete story. And it's an insane story... Like RipvW also said, it's maddening how they dare to treat you. Listening to gossip, telling you that you have to get your life in order, and then making YOU responsible for the behaviour and gossip of other people... that's crazy! These guys are mental, really!
Really hope the situation with your son will change for the better soon.