HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is sooooo f*cking funny
JoinedPosts by Bruja-del-Sol
Laughing with Mrs Brown & the Mormons
by clarity intgif ........ here are some laughs for friday nite.
at home.
Almost a JW
by JesseS ini have never been a jw.
in fact, i've never set foot inside a kh.
my parents began studying in the early 70s, before i was born.
Hi Jesse, welcome to JWN! I'm so sorry for you to have these feelings, but the only thing I thought while reading your story was that you've been 'programmed' by your dad's behaviour in the past. How old was he when he joined the JW's and started to have doubts about the life he led up until then? And how old are you now? Maybe you can see a comparison here.
Always remember that you are living YOUR life, not your dad's! So you are allowed, or obligated if you will, to make YOUR decisions even if they're totally different than what your father did. Don't step into the trap of starting to live your dad's life by repeating what he did, by thinking that feelings you've sort of 'adopted' of him are yours... they're most likely NOT yours, they're your father's, put in your head ever since you were a child! Don't believe these thoughts, make up your own by reading new things (the Steve Hassan books are a great start, you'll recognize an awful lot in them!) and exploring the world yourself.
And like others already said, please stay away from the JW-cult. They're no help at all, they'll only make things worse. And you may not believe it, but I'm certain that even if you became a JW your father would keep on telling you how bad you are. That has nothing to do with you, it says ALL about HIM and his mindset. Stay away from that mindset, harness yourself mentally when you meet your dad, because complaining and negative mindsets are contagious and bring you nothing.
I'm wishing you all the best and really hope you'll find some better feelings and thoughts to make life more valuable. And keep posting here, there are lots of people who are willing to 'listen' to whatever you want to share and also lots of people with experiences like yours to comfort and help you!
interview with an apostate: BIGMAC
by bigmac intell us a little about yourself and your family.. .i'm 65---divorced--3 grown up kids--7 ish grandchildren.
were you a born in or a convert?.
.not born in--dragged into it----aged 9--- by my late mother.
What a way to quit FS by throwing your briefcase in a river hahahahaha. And it's sad that you haven't had contact with your children that long and grandchildren you don't even know...
Disfellowshipped daughter not told of father's death
by dozy inmy wife was informed by her father that an old jw friend had died so she decided to text his daughter ( who lives abroad & is disfellowshipped ) her condolences.
immediately the daughter phoned my wife in great anguish as she hadnt been informed that her father had died ( bearing in mind this event had happened 3 days previously.
) of course any chance that she might have had for coming over for the funeral had past.. her two brothers are elders and her sister is a regular pioneer but not one of them had thought to let their sister know.
Maybe the father insisted on not letting her know? Either way, it's ridiculous her family didn't inform her.
Yay, we'll start a 'countdown' topic for you haha. Today it's only 3 months... as of tomorrow it's only 2! See? Time flies!
Are some dog breeds more responsive than others?
by compound complex inwoof!.
i care for numerous canines and wonder about your experiences with man's best friend.. some appear ready and able to do as asked and others, well, just sort of stare .
and stare.
My Cairn used to immediately stand or sit still when I said "STAY!" even when he was across the street (sometimes he escaped when the kids left the frontdoor open, then he ran to the field on the other side of a busy road). Back then we also had a cat. The cat was older and sort of 'raised' the Cairn. They were really a gang together. The cat used to lie in the windowsill so he could look out the window. One day I rode on my bicycle past our house and to my surprise I saw the cat in the windowsill.... with the dog beside him!!! They were both watching the traffic and people passing by, very calm and relaxed. Only the dog threw a couple of my plants on the ground...
Ever since that day, when I would pass the house on my bike and the dog was lying there, he knew I would be home within minutes, so he then jumped back on the ground and into his basket and pretend he had been there all the time! Of course giving me the sweetest most faithful ook... the jerk! hahaha
...What do you Do,when People Ask You for Spare Change?...
by OUTLAW in.. .........................some people are truly in need..some are not... a man passing by on his 10 speed bike,asked me for $2.00 for a cup of coffee... .................................................."uhhh,no"... ............another asked me for spare change outside a super market... ......................................i said i didn`t have any... ...................so he say`s "how about a credit card?!"......lol!!...
.. ....................what do you do,when people ask you for spare change?...
..... .. ..........................................whats the most outrageous thing... ......................................you`ve been asked forby a stranger?...
Two years ago I went grocery shopping and when I was finished I walked back from the car to return my shopping cart. At that moment a shabby woman my age approached me and asked if she could have the euro that was in the cart. I told her 'no, you can't...'. She looked disappointed and wanted to walk away... but then I asked her why she was begging for money. And she told me her story which was very plausible. She'd lost her job, could barely afford to stay in the house where she lived and had not enough money for food for herself and her dog.
I didn't have a lot of money either, but I told her I would join her into the Aldi supermarket and she could do some shopping for 25 euro. That's enough money to buy food for a couple of days. You should've seen the look on her face! She couldn't stop asking "is this for real?" In the supermarket she asked if she could buy cigarettes as well, but I told her that I didn't want to pay for her cigarettes. I only wanted to buy her food, and she was okay with that. After I'd paid we hugged and she thanked me again and again. And she asked me if I would be offended if I would see that she would turn to other people to ask them for money to buy some cigarettes... Of course I told her I wouldn't be offended. I wished her luck and really hope that she's got her life back on track again.
PM sent.
Are some dog breeds more responsive than others?
by compound complex inwoof!.
i care for numerous canines and wonder about your experiences with man's best friend.. some appear ready and able to do as asked and others, well, just sort of stare .
and stare.
Every breed has it's specifics. We've had a Rhodesian ridgeback. He was lovely, but the first two years he was a real monster! Even ate the wood off the walls and started chewing on a new dresser. But with a firm hand and consistency we came a long way. After my divorce he stayed with my ex and had a good life there. He died when he was eleven years old, my ex, his wife, our kids and me were all there when the vet gave him his final injection. He died in his own home, surrounded by 'his humans'.
My first dog was a Cairn terrier. Quite a character, but what a prince charming he was! Still miss him to this day, he's gone for ten years now. I went to puppy class with him and he was a well behaved doggie, especially for a Cairn terrier (a breed known for being pigheaded and stubborn). He was very smart and bright.
With my new hubby we've had a boomer (yorkshire/maltese). That was such an awful dog! Really, I've never seen such a stupid animal in my life. Later we've learned that maltese dogs are known for being really stupid and very hard to learn anything. My opinion is that when you take a dog into your family, you have an obligation to take care of it. The animal depends on you. But with this dog it was horrible and causing a lot of stress and even arguments between my hubby and me. So after two years of hassle over the dog I gave in and we found an elderly couple who wanted to take 'the bitch' .
And now we've got two minpins (miniature pinschers). Both from the same parents, but from different litters (1,5 year difference). And they really are my sweeties. They're smart, they love to cuddle, they're just a bit nervous and bark frantically when someone rings the doorbell or walks by our gate... but I don't mind (my hubby does, but I don't care and I've told him that these two will stay with us as long as they live! He knows I'm not kidding. I'm not giving up another dog!). I'm considering to buy them a special 'anti bark'-collar, to train them to stay silent when people pass by our house. Or maybe I should buy one for my hubby, to keep him from 'barking' about those 'damned barking dogs' hahaha.
One rule I've always applied is: dogs eat after we've eaten. And when we eat there are no dogs allowed in our neighbourhood! We're the Alpha's, they're waaaaaaay below us in the hierarchy! (They're allowed to sit on our lap when we invite them to, they're not allowed in the bedroom nor the bathroom).
That's great Smiddy! I've been to Sydney once, and ever since I'm looking forward to the day I'll return to Oz. And for the 'friends'... haha, nice try, but don't let the low response get you down, you're very much appreciated on JWN.