Thanks for posting. I've been wondering about the old-timers, the real true-believers who were around back in the deeper days when doctrine mattered.
Somebody on reddit asked what the turning point for him was. See the following:
That's what did it. It had been bothering him apparently for quite some time. So he decided to do independent research.
Down the rabbit hole he went.
I thought this...
That’s why the organization has switched from being super analytical to slowly transitioning into a mega church. Can’t point out contradictions if you only have a vague idea of what’s in the Bible in the first place.
...was a really good comment. So true. The org is no longer analytical. Gone are the old days of the Freddy Franz deeper books. Gone are the days of the focus on doctrine that brought in so many intelligent, studious types who were really seeking. It does seem that the org is transitioning into a mega church.
I get the same feeling today about JWs that I did about churchies in years past. They don't know their own doctrine and get a deer-in-headlights look when asked doctrinal questions.