slimboyfat, I have always enjoyed your posts and I respect your intelligence and the fact that you seem to be so well-read. However, your post above baffles me.
The JW organization is corrupt and deceptive. The GB members are clueless conmen buffoons who do not love truth as they claim to. Why do you seem to kind of hang on to the cult? If I remember correctly, some years ago you even went back for a while.
JWdom is extremely reprehensible. It has stolen many lives and caused thousands to die in extreme disappointment. It claims to have the one and only truth, yet it doesn't adequately warn/inform others. Its members run from challenges and deeper questions. If JWs were who/what they claim to be and we were deep in the time of the end as they say, then their preaching work should be like the shouts of the Israelites marching around Jericho on the seventh day or like Jonah's warning of Nineveh.
JWdom is not reforming; it's weakening. What we're seeing is a desperate organization that is simply reacting to try to survive. What motivates the changes is a selfish desire to keep the gig going - not love or anything good or noble. You have to know that. I can't believe you call what the org is doing "reform."
I just don't get your attitude. I guess you're just more liberal/pacifist than I am. I have a strong sense of justice, and I want to see JWdom punished. I want it to have to answer for its wrongs, and, actually, my attitude is in line with Bible precedent and principles.
Are you happy about a weakening JWdom? Will you be glad to see it survive as some happy clappy megachurch with members who don't even know their own doctrine and history?
JWdom can't be reformed. I can't see that it's ever been right or approved by any higher being. Is somebody like me supposed to be happy that it's loosening up??? It was extremely hard on me. It ruined my life. I served it almost every day fulltime for decades. I lived in misery and poverty thinking I was doing what was right. Is it fair to me that it loosens up now??? I got not one cent of payment and not one benefit and not a single expense reimbursement for decades. Do you think I'm going to be happy now that the org is loosening up???
You’d think reforms would be welcome and encouraged to go further if impact on current and future JWs is paramount
Current JWs? I think that any adult who could be a JW now is reprehensible, and I have no conern for any adult who could become a JW in the future with all the growing evidence the cult. JWs now are severely lacking in one or more ways - intelligence and/or discernment and/or honesty and/or reasonableness and/or humility. Not only do I not care about current and future JWs, I want them to have to face justice for supporting such a deceptive, harmful cult. JWs judge me for not believing as they do and for not 100%ly obeying their celebrity idols - the members of the GB. Do you think I have any warm fuzzy feeling for JWs?
I think you need to tune your sense of righteousness and justice. You seem to still have respect for the Bible. If so, I think you need to heed its advice more and be 'firm for truth.' Remember what the Scriptures say about the lukewarm; Jesus is going to 'vomit them out.' Most JWs now aren't even lukewarm. Remember what Christ supposedly said as recorded at Mt 7:21-23.
P.S. See Ecc 1:15 - "That which is crooked cannot be made straight."