He was one of my favorite posters. Seemed to be really intelligent and discerning and was good with words. I remember when he disappeared. I think he was turned off by a lot of the strong conservative comments (including mine). I cannot believe that someone with his great insight into the wrongs in JW land could be PIMI. I don't know how he could stand being physically in. And... I think he was/is an elder.
Posts by Magnum
by Iamallcool ini was wondering is sir82 still alive?
he has been po for many years.
he said that he would not leave the org unless his wife is pomo.
JW Pets and Blood
by Vanderhoven7 inas a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
I was in that situation about ten years ago when I was close to waking up. I knew that JW doctrine was against it, but I was going to allow it. It was an exotic pet, and the vet I had to go to in another state happened to have one of the same animals at his facility. He called the owner and asked if it was OK to take blood from it; she said yes. I got a motel room and the vet made preparations. I went back the next day for the transfusion and surgery, but the animal died at the vet's office (horrible death) before any procedures could take place.
I would not have allowed it when I was a believing JW, even though I love my pets greatly.
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Here's a question that I guarantee no one has ever thought of!
by nowwhat? inunlike men who took no note, surely the fallen angels knew of gods plan to flood the earth, so why didn't they build an ark(s) for their nephilum sons?
The story of a renegade anointed
by Terry inremarkable sister pettifog.
this morning i arrived on my bicycle at the local starbucks early and took up a seat at the outdoor table in the fresh air.. that’s when it happened--a group of 3 older ladies at one of the other tables outside rose to leave and one of them walked over to my table and spoke directly to me.
i was wearing earbuds at that moment and didn’t hear.
truth_b_known: It is obvious to me that at a certain point the Watchtower turned on those who claimed to be of the anointed. I huge blow was the change in the doctrine that only the Governing Body are the Faithful and Discreet Slave. All other anointed still on Earth are just rank and file.
That change in doctrine was, to me, far bigger than most realize. To me, it was an illegal (according to JW theology) take-over, a coup d'état. Prior to the change, all of the anointed on earth made up the FDS; therefore, they should have had a say in the decision (especially since it was such a big one and involved them directly), but, they were not consulted. They were just stripped of power by a handful of men who now have all power. The organization never felt the same to me after that.
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What is the harm or downside of being PIMO?
by PimoElder inwhat is the harm or downside of being pimo?.
i get all the good things about being in the cong, good social life lots of invites to bbqs and meals out.
lots of interesting gossip 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
I would like to add that if you ever were a real, believing JW, you would have instructed individuals in other religions to leave their religions when they found out they were wrong no matter how much pain and suffering it would have caused them or what they would have sacrificed. JWs will, for example, tell a 90-year-old Catholic woman who's been a Catholic her entire life to leave her religion if she finds out it's wrong - even if that means leaving all her family, all her friends, her entire social life, all her support mechanisms, etc. I actually agree with the reasoning in that - that one should leave or quit something if he finds out it's wrong; that's why I left JWdom.
The problem is that a lot of those in JWdom who wake up mentally show that they are weak; they don't practice what they preached. You believed in telling others to leave their religions when they woke up, but you won't leave yours now that you are awake. I see arrogance in that.
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What is the harm or downside of being PIMO?
by PimoElder inwhat is the harm or downside of being pimo?.
i get all the good things about being in the cong, good social life lots of invites to bbqs and meals out.
lots of interesting gossip 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
The harm is that you are supporting a deceptive, harmful, condescending cult... one that took my life... one that promised me from the time I was a small child that if I suffered and slaved and sacrificed for it, I would be rewarded greatly. I'm now 62 and was rewarded only with misery. I lived a life of misery doing what the cult instructed me to do. It ruined my life. All my family members except my wife are still in. They all think I'm evil or weak or a combination of the two because that's what the cult brainwashes them to think. That is extremely unjust to me. I'm not evil. I'm an honest, reasonable truth-seeker. I have great concern for the suffering in the world among sentient creatures - more so than JWs themselves. I'm also not weak. It took strength for me to walk away from something that had been my life for decades.
The JW organization is lying and deceptive. It is selfish. It is concerned only with itself. The org does not love truth. It does not love light. It has a history of failed predictions, looney teachings, etc. Even if you don't mentally support it, you are implying that you do to others. Your very presence adds to the JW numbers ands gives a false impression. You and others like you are helping the org to survive. I take great offense at that and consider you to be a weak person. I could never support that organization in any way. You and I are as different as night and day.
addendum: Your faking it is contributing to the captivity of thousands like my family members. I hold you accountable for that.
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1995 generation change
by Gorb innow, many years later, i remember the 1995 generation change, very well.. since early youth, hearing my father explaining in field service the 2520 years.
it was his main theme in the field.. with the change my doubts started.
with some jw friends we did not trust the organization anymore.
I remember a Watchtower Questions from Readers (1985?) that indicated that one could die during the last days and before the Great Tribulation and still be considered to be one of the great crowd. It might have been the Oct 15th issue. I'm at work now and can't look it up.
I think the point was made that the great crowd is basically those of the other sheep that live during the last days even if they die during the last days and before the end. I can't remember the word they used, but they said something like it seems that it would be too "strict" (or something like that) to limit the term "great crowd" only to those who actually survive the great tribulation - that it applies to those who have the prospect of surviving, that it's the group as a whole that survives.
Current Elder and Sub CO Arrested
by James Jack inhttps://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/stlb8r/valley_head_elder_charged_trigger_warning_cp_link/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf.
known his wife her whole life.
they have served both in mississippi and minnesota..
How could he be an elder and sub CO... or even a publisher? Blows my mind. He must not have believed any of it. How could he give talks encouraging others not to do what he was doing all along? When I was a JW, I was not perfect, but, I was real. I couldn't have given talks unless I was living up to the material.
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Ukraine - Nato - US crisis
by mikeflood indon't understand....but this crisis in ukraine seems to be getting out of control....i mean, everybody knows how to start a war..... by the way, as always, people at the borg are having a field day.....
Former big time gangsta US has been sent to the retirement home and doesn’t even realise.
Slimboyfat, while, for years I have enjoyed your posts, and admired your insight, intellect, etc., I disagree with your tone about the U.S.
I, for one, being a citizen of the U.S., realize the U.S. doesn't have the power it once did relative to the rest of the world, and I lament that; it scares me. I cannot imagine the world without a strong U.S. I cannot imagine a world in which Russia and China have the upper hand. Do you resent the U.S.? We share a huge border with Canada, but Canada doesn't fear us. Do you think Canada had rather be bordered by China... or Russia?
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The Poor the Wealthy and the Middle Class
by Simon inthe poor spendthe middle-class savethe wealthy invest.
the unique circumstances of the lockdown and stimulus checks has highlighted these differences in stark ways.. on one hand, you have jumps in sales and valuation of companies like foot locker and nike, as people spend their "free" government money on sneakers.
they blow it on useless tat.
Been really busy and haven't had time to post here, but saw this thread and wanted to mention the following.
About thirty years ago, I was at a house where a death had occurred. A well-known non-JW attorney who lived in the neighborhood had stopped by to offer his condolences. The attorney was offered a meal. I could tell he didn't want to eat there, but was virtually forced to. There was an older JW female there who was trying to impress the attorney with her goody-goodieness. He had his head over his plate taking a bite, and at that point she said in kind of a sarcastic way "and people think that money brings happiness."
The attorney tilted his head to the right (while still leaned over the plate), and immediately replied "but, it sure does make life easier." The JW was speechless; she thought he was going to agree with her.
I have never forgotten that. I can see the details vividly in mind right now. I have found his words to be some of the most accurate I've ever heard. I think back over all my years of struggling financially because of being a zealous JW. We always had to make major decisions and about how and when to spend the little money we had. Could we get our shoes fixed? Could we get tires for the car? How much longer could we go without getting dental or medical treatment? Everything was so hard.
Even now it's hard... all because of not having money. Having money would make our lives vastly easier. Just in the past few months, we had to buy a used vehicle because I work out of town, and my wife was stranded at home with no vehicle (she works from home). We ended up buying a small pickup - a work model, so it has no cruise control. I now drive it to work, and I hate driving the 4hrs each way to work out of town each week because it's a chore without cruise control. I bought an aftermarket one, but so far, have been unsuccessful installing it. Just a little while ago, I called around and couldn't find anybody that will mess with it.
So, if we had had enough money, we could have bought a truck with cruise control, and just that little thing would make my life a lot easier. I would have the cruise control, and I wouldn't have the frustration of trying to install it.
P.S. If anybody has had experience installing a Rostra after-market cruise control, please PM me. The instructions are horrendous.
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