"They are us" - 1234 (New Boy), I agree with you most of the time, but I respectfully disagree about this. I'm with Jimmy Young; I have no sympathy. JWdom is far different today from what it was when a lot of us were in.
The evidence that JWdom is wrong and not what it claims to be is obvious and readily available today. It was not a few years ago. JWdom used to be bolder and more dignified and deeper and more scholarly. It is weak and embarrassing today. The GB used to be more in the background. Now, the Great Leaders are public buffoons. A lot of JWs in the past were smart, strong, stable people. I believe most of them left. To me, those who are JWs today for the most part deserve what they get.
I have tried reasoning with them, and have been called "weak", "bitter", "mean", "mixed up", etc. They want to go out and tell everybody else how wrong they are, but they won't consider evidence against themselves.
I do not consider them to be like I was/am at all. JWs today are not honest and hungry for truth.
(apology since this is off topic)