About six or seven years ago, I thought the org would maybe would have collapsed by now. It was just changing so much - dumbing down, becoming more mainstream, cutting back. Its predictions looked more and more wrong with the passing of time. The "generation" teaching was ludicrous. I thought most JWs would finally wake up, but I overestimated their intelligence, honesty, reasonableness, etc. Now, it seems that it will be a slow, gradual fading out of existence.
However, I still do believe there could be a turning point followed by a crash. I mentioned this some years ago on this site, but I'll mention it again. In physiology, one learns about various systems in the body connected by feedback loops. A healthy body is able to maintain homeostasis - a condition in which all systems are functioning within normal parameters. When an animal or human is sick, one or more of these systems can become unstable and cause instability in other connected systems. If corrections aren't made, the whole overall system can become so unstable that a point of no return can be reached, the body crashes, and death ensues.
JWdom functions like a big body with certain interconnected systems that have to be maintained. It's not like a religion that can continue to exist through small independent units like, for example, Southern Baptists. Baptist churches are basically independent of each other. One can collapse without affecting others. There is no central unit that is idolized (as is the JW GB) and that controls all. If one or more JW "systems" become(s) unstable, it could lead to collapse.
What could some factors be that cause the "health" of JWdom to become unstable? Maybe finances. Maybe apathy caused by disappointment due to failed predictions and not physically meeting together, Maybe young ones having even less motive to stay in because they're not meeting with other young JWs and being influenced by peer pressure. Maybe more and more waking up. These factors could all work together and feed back on each other to cause the org to reach a point at which it collapses.
I really wish it would collapse in the next few years. I would love to see the reaction of my JW relatives and a lot of other JWs.