pale.emperor: good, fair question. I will try to answer from my point of view. It's not about liking Trump. It's about liking things he says he will do and is doing. It's not about voting for the morals (or lack thereof) of a candidate. It's not (or shouldn't be) a personality contest.
I want somebody who will be fair to the U.S. and not let China, etc. get the best of it. I want somebody who will make other nations do their fair share in sending aid, supporting various international entities, etc. I'm tired of the U.S.'s doing more than its fair share.
I want strictly controlled borders. I don't want to be flooded by illegals who get free medical treatment that will ultimately come out of my paycheck. I swear I go to some places in the U.S and get looked at funny because I speak English. I don't like that. I don't want the U.S. to become like Mexico or India or China or Venezuela.
I don't want anything that even remotely smells like socialism; it doesn't work. If everybody would do his best and give the best he could, it would work. However, many, if not most, won't. Through years of just plain living in the U.S. and a decade of regular pioneering knocking on thousands of doors, I gradually learned that there are a lot of sorry, lazy people who don't want to do their fair share and who want and expect the system to take care of them. I encountered countless women who popped out one baby after the other and got a bigger government handout with each one. They referred to the babies' fathers as "baby daddies". Most of the baby daddies didn't pay child support. I'm sick of that, and I want somebody to stop such. I don't want to pay for their babies.
Most left-leaning liberals that I encounter have the peace and love mentality of hippies from the 1960's as if everybody's good and we should all take care of each other. That peace and love experiment didn't work. Hippies ended up sick, hungry, etc. Wikipedia says this concerning the hippies flocking to the Haight-Ashbury district in San Francisco: "The Haight-Ashbury could not accommodate this rapid influx of people, and the neighborhood scene quickly deteriorated. Overcrowding, homelessness, hunger, drug problems, and crime afflicted the neighborhood. Many people left in the autumn to resume their college studies." I really believe that open borders will eventually lead something like this happening in the U.S.
That liberal idealism should be conquered by conservative realism. The real truth is that many aren't worthy of receiving the "peace and love". If liberals think that everybody is so good and worthy, then they should try owning a business and finding good employees. Really good, worthy people are hard to find and I don't want to support those who aren't really deserving.
A lot of us don't like those things you mentioned about Trump, but the issue is much, much bigger than those things.
Suppose you have a malignant tumor deep in your brain. Whom do you want to attempt to surgically fix the situation - the arrogant jerk who's shown he can do it and has been doing it... or the bumbling old nice doctor* who's clueless and has never done the surgery?
* I don't think Biden is any more moral or any nicer or kinder than Trump. Trump is just out with it, whereas Biden is phony and deceptive. If they're both venomous snakes, then Trump is coiled up in the driveway ready to strike, whereas, Biden is hidden in the grass.
edited to add: I also am infuriated by the fact that some (certainly not all) want to come to the U.S. and change it to be like where they came from. Why the hell don't they just stay where they are then? Another reason I want strictly controlled borders.