Would have been great if you had posted a pic. I have seen a red sky at night before, but only once it was over 20yrs ago. I was living in North Western NSW at the time. Had just gone outside for some fresh air at about 9:30pm and was surprised to see that the sky/clouds was red. I haven't seen anything like that except on that one occassion.
JoinedPosts by oneyeopen
Red clouds in the Uk
by Xanthippe inwe have red clouds.
can anyone else see them, it's way after sunset?.
So, here's a new definition of 'apostacy'
by ItsMyLife inif you allow your child to have a part in the nativity play, it's apostacy.
even if the child just stands there, dressed as a an animal.
with no lines.. even if you've been inactive for several months.. talk about extremes and emotional blackmail!.
My study conductor recently, like 2 weeks ago, ditched my study due to "apostacy" I had been asked if I thought the organization was 'Jehovah's" organizaton, I had responded, lo and behold, I didn't know. She was mortified. After a hen pecking and much pressuring I reluctantly told her my stand on child sex abuse and how I did not agree to it's policies. She was adamant that I'd been to apostate sites. I assured her that such has been reported mainstream and is available to the public without having to source information from such sites 'only'. Her response was, "why after all this time studying has this become a problem?" I stated that I wasn't aware then. But it wasn't good enough for her. Surely if I just trusted in Jehovah to sort everything out, he would in good time. I'd bought up the fact that it was made an issue broadcast to the public in 2002 I think and updated in 2005 highlighting the issues with csa and the org in Australia. Despite the reproach bought upon Jehovah and his people, they did NOT change their policy. I did see the program on t.v in 2005 and was shocked and disgusted but had expected that the issues would have been addressed so that it would never occurr again, not with the support of the org anyways. My study conductor and myself have our own personal experiences of csa in our own lives, and both acknowledge the secret nature of such crimes. I was completely taken aback with her response...canning my study,stating in all good conscience she could no longer study with myself, til I'd come to my sences so to speak and only then could study resume. She wanted me to write to the society, stating my concerns and satisfy myself with their response. Geez I don't know what she'd expect me to recieve, and feel that I'd be completely wasting my time. I'd only recently come to find TTAT about 6months ago maybe and have not dared to share anything with her but could not hold that back nor hide behind a facade. We'd study via phone think she could hear the gritting of teeth everytime the word 'organization' was mentioned....increasingly more regularly....and the recent revellation of the self appointed 'slave'.Anyway I stated that I did not believe myself to be an apostate, my belief of that was that one had to deny God, Christ and core doctrine, but she stated that it was anything in opposition to the organization.
So in essence my study was canned because I was upset/at odds with the socities policy on child sex abuse (2 witness rule, treatment of victims and perpetrators)She was upset not because it was happening in the org nor their stance but the fact that I even had a problem with it...go figure...sorry this had nothing at all to do with Xmas...but I didn't know that a study could be guilty of apostacy if I'm still at the stage of acquiring 'accurate' knowledge, and if one should not present oneself for baptism until one has recieved such knowledge. My 20 yr old daughter was unbaptized publisher for sometime with much pressure from older ones to baptise from a young age, this I discouraged her from. Thank God literally that we found out the truth about the truth before the org hurt us anymore than it had already had in my distant past.
Are some JWs justified in staying in the org?
by greendawn inmost of us left the organisation because we could no longer stand one or other aspect of it, perhaps its very dictatorial administration, the disappointment due to the false promises and vain hopes raised by its leadership, disagreement with the blood ban or pedophile and shunning policies, the feel one gets that this is a business and not a religious organisation manipulating its members to its own profit etc etc.
these are of course valid reasons for rejecting this religion and refusing to identify with it but do the jws who stay in have a valid argument for rejecting leaving the org?
they will say: "ok our religion, our society has its flaws but what human society doesn't?
love your posts. Truly insightful. It's GREAT that someone UNDERSTANDS just what IS going on. Your input I appreciate. I'm glad that someone is here trying to AWAKEN people to this matter.
Free Speech Under Attack And How This Will Affect JWs
by lambsbottom inanyone want to chime in on how jws will be affected when free speech starts being limited?.
dallas sheriffs deputies assault free speech activists, punch alex jones cops incite violence during peaceful demonstration.
Just thought I'd include/conclude with an extensive list of patents relating to S.A.G 'chemtrails'
And the U.N Weather Weapons Treaty 1976:http://www.cooperazioneallosviluppo.esteri.it/pdgcs/italiano/Scheda_paese/iraq/Pdf/Weather_Weapon_Treaty.pdf
.....the link appears to be Italian but the PDF Treaty document is in english.
Free Speech Under Attack And How This Will Affect JWs
by lambsbottom inanyone want to chime in on how jws will be affected when free speech starts being limited?.
dallas sheriffs deputies assault free speech activists, punch alex jones cops incite violence during peaceful demonstration.
Free Speech Under Attack And How This Will Affect JWs
by lambsbottom inanyone want to chime in on how jws will be affected when free speech starts being limited?.
dallas sheriffs deputies assault free speech activists, punch alex jones cops incite violence during peaceful demonstration.
The REALITY of S.A.G Stratospheric Aerosol Geo Engineering is INDISPUTABLE and to DENY is: FOOL is YOU.
In this age of information, Ignorance is a Choice. Oh, the beauty and wonder of the internet .A wealth of information that we as a society have never had access to in the past/history. All that is required is a Desire to Know Truth. Search and you will undoubtedly find….and the Truth WILL set you FREE….from all the LIES….Real Eyes Realize Real Lies
It will take no more than a few minutes of your time to find that the subject of S.A.G aka ‘chemtrails is based on verifiable fact and is something that EVERYONE should be informed of because this AFFECTS everyone living and breathing….duh.
S.A.G is a military op that has many applications but is largely used for Weather Manipulation with the use of ‘aerosol dispersal In conjunction with HAARP. HAARP evolved from Tesla technology, and was used in the Vietnam War. Google search: “Ben Livingstone Father of Weaponized Weather”. This is from the perspective of a participant, to create ‘hurricanes and the like to devastate populations and get one over the enemy. I do not know how to attach pdf file here so will provide the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKl9rqw1Ykw
Veteran weather modification expert Ben Livingston is a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960's during the Vietnam era, when he was involved in cloud seeding programs that worked to slow down the advance of Vietnamese and Korean troops. Livingston asserts that asserts that hurricane control was a national priority of the government more than 40 years ago and that the technology was fully operational to control the weather at the time
http://www.scribd.com/doc/2450461/Weather-Modification-During-Vietnam-War-Senate-Hearing-1974 U.S Senate hearing in 1974 on weather modification use in Vietnam. Google search: U.S senate Hearing 1974 weather modification Vietnam
http://www.fas.org/man/eprint/leitenberg/weather.pdf This is CASE STUDY 2
the Evolution of an R&D Program into a Weapon System in reference to Vietnam.
This is another interesting document, a research paper presented to U.S Airforce 2025: http://csat.au.af.mil/2025/VOLUME3/vol3ch15.pdf
Entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier- Owning the Weather by 2025.
http://csat.au.af.mil/2025/index.htm Google search: Owning the Weather
The main components of the aerosols dispersed in our skies largely contain nano particulate aluminium oxide, barium and strontium along with other nasties. http://www.slideshare.net/ThaneCHeins/un-ban-on-chem-trail-geo-engineering-2010 This is a link addressing the U.N ban on Geo engineering and Devastating effects on Human Health and the Environment. Google search: U.N Ban on Geo engineering:https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=air+force+site%3Acsat.au.af.mil%2F2025%2F#hl=en&lr=&q=united+nations+ban+on+geo+engineering
What goes up must come down, with that unfortunately comes exposure not only ourselves but the environment oceans and waterways. What has/is put into the atmosphere and its effects CANNOT be REVERSED. The effects of S.A.G aka ‘chemtrails’ has been scientifically documented on the soil for example, the heavy metals dispersed are raising the acidity of the soils worldwide affecting plant life..hey pretty soon the only thing growing will be the ‘Monsanto’ patented aluminium resistant crops..laughing/crying out LOUD. http://amazingdiscoveries.org/09.01.22-aluminum-resistant-seeds The effects of S.A.G also affect biodiversity something also upon which life on this planet is dependant. Here is a link to Government and Scientific Research documents: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/documents-2/
This link gives access to lab reports, ph sampling and military ‘contrail’ observations. http://globalskywatch.com/reference/chemtrails-geoengineering/Francis-Mangels-Observations.htmlFrancis Mangels is a retired scientist from the US Dept of Agriculture with 35 years of service. He has a Bachelor’s in Forestry cum laude from The International School of Forestry at the University of Montana, and a Masters in Zoology from Montana University. Additional education qualified him under CS for minors in Botany, geology, chemistry, range, wildlife management, fisheries, entomology, hydrology, agriculture, ecology, environmental studies, parks/recreation management, soil conservation, and related fields of natural sciences. He also is a member of Xi Sigma Pi and a part-time college professor.
What is also extremely alarming is the scientifically documented effects of ‘Aerosolized Nano Particulate Aluminium Oxide Effects on the BRAIN” which interestingly has a synergistic effect with exposure to FLUORIDE http://www.chem.uw.edu.pl/chemanal/toc/abs53_6/06wan.pdf
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9ZW6CMZKmI This is Dr Russell Blaylock interview Feb 13 appearing on trunews a Christian alternative source for global news analysis and commentary.
You will discover some interesting news with a different view of what is happening out there in our world.
. …..the joke is really on US…..our IGNORANCE is not leading us off into BLISS but OBLIVION this as evidenced by the AVAILABLE VERIFIABLE INDISPUTABLE SCIENTIFIC …’FACTS’
This subject is no longer in the realm of CONSPIRACY THEORISTS.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA1YZzI0wSs Al Gore Publicly Admits To Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying Projects
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhQ0-xfdp_c Dr Rosalind Peterson Geo enigineering destroying our Atmosphere.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X10W8i3myI Dr Francis Mangles Consciousness beyond Chemtrail interview into effects of S.A.G on the Environment
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgbpb-S4Zo4 Scott Stevens Meteorologist Consciousness beyond chemtrail conference 2012.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1zYutUPghg Dane Wigington Geo engineering Why You Should Care. Consciousness beyond chemtrail conference p1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUky2jONuOQ Dane Wigington p2
USAF Enviromental Specialist Kristen Meghan Blows Whistle On Air Force-Chemtrails. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAxXyMAmBMs anyway here’s a start, rest is for you, you just have to have the motivation. This was just a quick response I could have provided so much more.
I apologize to everyone else here I didn’t want to hijack the initial post on free speech but felt that Barrold Bond’s remarks were quite uncalled for and was a display of his complete ignorance and arrogance, that being his choice but don’t go condemning others because of your ignorance nor try to stifle their expression of free speech with snide remarks with absolutely no foundation.
Free Speech Under Attack And How This Will Affect JWs
by lambsbottom inanyone want to chime in on how jws will be affected when free speech starts being limited?.
dallas sheriffs deputies assault free speech activists, punch alex jones cops incite violence during peaceful demonstration.
Barrold Bonds- yes well society of Noah's day told him the same.
Condemnation without Investigation is the Height of Ignorance.
Guess the 'clergy response teams' are B.S too.
It seems that of all 'christians' JW mostly have their head in the sand or elsewhere dare I say.
Free Speech Under Attack And How This Will Affect JWs
by lambsbottom inanyone want to chime in on how jws will be affected when free speech starts being limited?.
dallas sheriffs deputies assault free speech activists, punch alex jones cops incite violence during peaceful demonstration.
Hey guys, I am tired but want to say something hope it makes some sense, btw what's wrong with Alex? I think he's great. Yeah..can be a little annoying at times, but he has been right about sooo much.( If you don't know who he is,check out his YT channel the Alex Jones Channel or prisonplanet.com)We have no real freedoms, only the illusion.Christians have increasingly lost their freedom of expression in the U.S and U.K. in the last few years. This has been reported in the mainstream time and again. This will only intensify. Google - 'military training manual christians are terrorist' over 7,020,000 hits. Google "freedom of speech under attack" 71,200,000 hits. Obama DOD declared that evangelical christians or anyone with christian id are terrorists, along with the KKK, anti abortionists,Catholicism and Al Qaeda, a threat to natonal security. (This happened a few years http://thenewamerican.com/culture/faith-and-morals/item/15028-christians-are-extremists-like-al-qaeda-u-s-army-taught-troops http://www.theglobaldispatch.com/army-briefing-on-extremists-to-us-military-says-evangelical-christians-are-number-1-threat-68280/
note that evangelicals are top of the list. They are considered a 'domestic hate ' group. The bible could and will be seen as promoting 'hate and intolerance.' If you just consider gay rights for instance this can and will pose a big problem in the near future for 'true' christians.Children are being taught in school there there is no right or wrong behaviour,refering largely to sexuality and life style choice.And I think that the fact that most/all organised religions are 501.c3.They are OWNED by the Gov't that is they have a say/control what is said in religious "literature" and "church/meetings", by law all churches are apparently recognized as being of tax exempt statis and was NOT neccesary to be 501.c3 but these organization/institutions became 501 regardless to ensure more $$$$. I've heard recently since my awakening to TATT the anyone can start a free church. A few yrs ago had my awakening to the 'truth' of 'reality'-NWO etc initially starting with S.A.G 'chemtrails' because they are what I observed in my local environment daily without knowing just WTH they were til I googled. What I was learning about the world ran parallel with what JW's had taught me in the bible for yrs, I was eager to share with them, had plenty of verifiable evidence of such happenings, one world gov't & such, they JW would reply that If it were true why wasn't the Watchtower telling the people, warning what just lie ahead, at first I considered that maybe they didn't want to be targeted as Obama has put in place executive orders to deal with anyone anti NWO, these laws are in place, they just have to enforce, but then found that does not sit: If Watchtower is NOT telling their people what is actually happening geo politically how can scripture/prophecy be interpreted correctly, how Can God's people Stay Awake? Since learning a little about 501.3 I now think that this is why they don't report 'Truthfully' what is happening in our world. I live in Australia, about 6 yrs ago in a kingdom ministry I 'm sure it came out that if witnesses were out street witnessing and the police came along and told them to go, they were to peacefully abide. We were initally surprised, because we 'thought' we had free speech, but the reality is that we only have the 'illusion' of such.I believe that once the economic crisis worsens or via some false flag event martial law will be enforced 'globally' religion is gone instantly. A little research not taking up too much time will uncover verifiable facts regarding police state,NWO, Federal Reserve, Gov't stock piling ammo, food, body bags, vantage coffins, mass graves, civilian inmate labour camps, guillitines.Check this interview out by former Hitler youth whistlerblower entitled Americas Nazi Future: God versus Lies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J--duaYfXrE. Witnesses say that their preaching work would continue just the message would change, most prob have the idea they will just go underground as in the past but that will not be possible with the police state, and technology at their disposal (for our disposal.) So it will prob be off to the guillitines..off with their heads. Sounds mad, crazy mad http://dprogram.net/2013/04/29/why-does-us-govt-need-30000-guillotines-and-over-600-million-rounds-of-hollow-point-bullets/
Persecuted Christians
by IMHO inchristians are the single most widely persecuted religious group in the world today.
1. christian churches around the world have set apart the month of november to remember and pray for the persecuted church, through the international day of prayer for the persecuted church (idop).. 2. according to the u.s. department of state, christians in more than 60 countries face persecution from their governments or surrounding neighbors simply because of their belief in christ.. 3. with the exception of four official state-controlled churches in pyongyang, christians in north korea face the risk of detention in the prison camps, severe torture and, in some cases, execution for practicing their religious beliefs.
north koreans suspected of having contact with south korean or other foreign missionaries in china, and those caught in possession of a bible, have been known to be executed.. 4. in syria, christians are increasingly becoming the target of violent attacks.
I have noticed that on the many occassions that I have brought up the subject of violent persecution of christians in various parts of the world to witnesses, the response is indifference. This response has always peeved/disgusted me. A recent example, I had related to my study conductor that, Christians were violently being persecuted/tortured/murdered in Syria and Egypt, one recent victim was a very young christian girl that had been dismembered ALIVE. I got the usual JW response....."Was it a Witness?" 'No' "oh"....then she changed the subject. I point out that this IS persecution against the Christians, they have been persecuted no matter what their denomination, just identifying oneself as such makes one 'worthy' in the eyes of the ones persecuting. This is not JHVH's judgement on them.
Conspiracy theories.
by chrisuk ini'd just like the opions of some of the more clear thinking member on this please:.
let me just start this by saying i don't really buy into conspiracy theories, but sometimes they seem to make sense, i suppose that's the point of them.
all this business with edward snowden seems to add a little more weight to certain conspiracy theories.
Just wanted say hello, saw this thread, its very late where I am but just wanted to refer you to what I believe to be worthy of consideration.
https://archive.org/details/AdamWeishauptAHumanDevil Published 1935.On the founder of the Illuminati.
https://archive.org/details/proofsofconspira00robi Published 1798.Title:Proofs of a Conspiracy against All Religions and Governments carried on in the Secret Meeting of the freemason,Illuminati and Reading Societies.
https://archive.org/details/secretwarfareoff00pachuoft Published 1875.Title:Secret warfare of Freemasonry against Church and State.
https://archive.org/details/SatanicPlotToEnslaveTheWorld-MyronFagan Mp3. Title: Satanic Plot to Enslave the World. Myron Fagan
This is a great lecture on the history of the Illuminati exposing the Satanic One World Government Plot and the Council on Foreign Relations. The Illuminati plans to destroy America and merge it into the New World Order. This is a factual, historical lecture with names, dates, organizations, mode of operations... exposing the Satanic octopus gripping the world. It goes back 200-300 years exposing the Rothschild involvement, Zionism, Luciferian ideology, destruction of national sovereignty, destruction of religions, Protocols of the Elders of Sion, Free Masons, Illuminist banksters, Illuminist MSM, Satanic 3 World Wars Plan.
http://www.rense.com/general66/rosen.htm 1976. The Harry Wallace Rosenthal Interview.
http://watch.pair.com/mystery-babylon.html Mystery Catholic or Jewish
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlqBJsXsIYM&list=TLdhsoFN93pc0jxhJy6bH0Js8bLlE45n16 P1 1986 ExPriest exposes freemason infiltration of Catholic Church and NWO, a must see. 9min14sec
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcKVWWYIa_c P2 9min
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXghTbrcV8o P3 appox 8min