I'll try. The witness philosophy is a whole bunch of if's. If all their base assumptions are right then it makes sense. If the governing body is God's channel then what they say must be right. So there is many layers here. First off the bible never mentions inactive ones as a label. The letters to the congregations in revelation are good things and bad things about the individual congregations. It's like judging someone when you say they are inactive because what that really means is they are slacking and good people don't slack therefore the 'inactive one' is not a good person. You know what this is exactly what happens in society such as 'oh that person is succesful so he must be a good person' or 'that person is poor so he must be a bad person'. It is like the man who built his house on sand- maybe he built it faster and it is complete so all those watching judge him to be the better man and the man who dug down and built on rock is mocked by onlookers saying 'he is not a good worker look at the other man - he is done already!' So appearances can be deceiving and the witnesses have built appearance based works by their very nature i.e. time slips, number of return visits, years an elder, return visits. How bout the widow who dropped 2 coins of small value in.
Anyhow their works are bad anyway and it's little wonder noone wants to go spreading that garbage around.
Heres a scripture: 1 Pet 2:20"But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God." So it is actually a credit to not spread cult literature around.