JoinedPosts by runForever
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses do this?
by runForever inwhy do jehovah's witnesses as individual members readily think that apostates are having a sweeping mass delusion?
if some jw's have known you for a long time do they really think you based everything on some random delusion you randomly had instead of confirming the information?.
it's quite retarded even the bible itself is contradicting them in jeremiah about the 70 years.. i know some know, and some choose not to know but what about the rest?.
Hey A R stupid are you a jehovah witness? -
by atheist_R_stupid inbeing that this is not "ex jws" and in fact, more driven by atheists talking a bunch of crap, im not even going to address you people like you know anything about jws because you dont.
nor am i going to assume you know the bible because none of you do.. and yes, im speaking down at you all because you men have actually went out your way to make a site to speak down at an entire group of people.
yet i bet you cant even handle a single uswer talking down at you, like you talk down about jws can you?.
forum sniped?Why do I sense someone is about to get booted off the forum ?
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses do this?
by runForever inwhy do jehovah's witnesses as individual members readily think that apostates are having a sweeping mass delusion?
if some jw's have known you for a long time do they really think you based everything on some random delusion you randomly had instead of confirming the information?.
it's quite retarded even the bible itself is contradicting them in jeremiah about the 70 years.. i know some know, and some choose not to know but what about the rest?.
Do you mean they think "apostates" all fall victim to the same delusion? Like its some hive mind of disagreement?
yes like all of a sudden you got some whiff and were under mind control.
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses do this?
by runForever inwhy do jehovah's witnesses as individual members readily think that apostates are having a sweeping mass delusion?
if some jw's have known you for a long time do they really think you based everything on some random delusion you randomly had instead of confirming the information?.
it's quite retarded even the bible itself is contradicting them in jeremiah about the 70 years.. i know some know, and some choose not to know but what about the rest?.
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses as individual members readily think that apostates are having a sweeping mass delusion?
If some JW's have known you for a long time do they really think you based everything on some random delusion you randomly had instead of confirming the information?
It's quite retarded even the bible itself is contradicting them in Jeremiah about the 70 years.
I know some know, and some choose not to know but what about the rest?
Reasoning with JW's: chapter 1.
by runForever inchapter 1: where to start?.
if a jw says to you: "we have the truth and you know it!".
how could you reply?.
Chapter 1: Where to start?
If a JW says to you: "We have the truth and you know it!". How could you reply?
You could say:"I know many JW's and they are very sincere in their beliefs. But don't you think everyone deserves to hear the truth even if it contradicts something they truly believe?" If the JW agrees you could share with them scriptures that highlights Jesus warnings about false prophets and false shepherds who would seek to plunder and destroy the flock for their own glory and gain. (Luke 21:8, John 10:1,2, Matthew 7:15).
You might then arrange to come back and discuss the topic further.
In search of WWWW (What's Wrong with Watchtower)
by Fernando inin more than 40 years of doorknocking not a single person was ever able to sit down with me and kindly and patiently explain exactly "what's wrong with watchtower" in simple terms and baby-steps that i could grasp at the time.. of course i have to admit it is not as easy as one might hope.. this morning one possible (not simple enough) summary came to mind:.
the bible promotes belief in jesus and the liberating and transforming gospel message about him (in both the nt and ot).. the watchtower instead promotes belief in a visible golden calf and pseudo-mediator between god and man in the form of:.
blind authoritarian clerics who have co-opted the word "elder" and turned it into a title (aka apostate "clericalism").
Great subject. They do indeed advertise themselves as a mediator or go-between.
Also another thing is cults are often putting themselves as mediator. The moonies did this as well. This might help someone to see that this is a very common thing. Maybe you could show them the difference between what the bible says and what a group is saying about who or what is supposed to be the mediator. Admittedly I haven't done much research on the subject but there seems to be a direct connection between dispensing blood and being the mediator e.g. Moses sprinkled the blood of the sacrifice on the people . Also prayers going through who? There is probably more than this. If you really knew what you were talking about I think you could convince them by "Reasoning from the Scriptures" .
Resolutions to send money to society
by wannaexit induring the course of the year congregations pass a number of resolutions to send money to the branch.
this year i've resolved to count all money grab endeavors.
so far for the month of january there were two locally:.
Would not this be easy to skim from? Just have your congregation give say 500 dollars
send in to the society that it's for 300 dollars and you now have 200 more a month. :]
Why I like Jehovah's Witnesses
by undercover witness ini keep reading that jehovah's witnesses are in effect monsters.
i keep reading that they kinda leave chaos and distrust in their wake.
so i simply wondered if anyone had anything nice to say about them?.
You have to think objectively. Sorry but it's true.
1) If I become a Jehovah's Witness but then decide it's not for me will they be friendly to me?
2)Do the people I see on the street represent how everybody will act when I am inside?
3)Is it possible that if I do something that they deem being a troublemaker I will be thoroughly interrogated by 3-8 Elders by myself in a small room where they specifically tell me I can't have a tape recorder?
Will the WTS follow the McDonald's corporate model?
by sir82 inas most people know, mcdonald's derives the principal part of its earnings, not from greasy food, but from real estate.. they buy property, then, in addition to charging franchisees for the right to use their name, they charge them rent for the building sitting on corporately-owned real estate.. this business model yields well over $20 billion per year in gross revenue.. could this be the idea behind the soon-to-come revamp of the rbcs into ldcs?
the wts will purchase property and charge its "franchisees" (the congregations) a fee to use the building on the site?.
of course, it wouldn't be called a "franchise fee" or even "rent", it would be named something like a "voluntary contribution to support kingdom interests" or some such folderol.. any "non-performing" congregations would get shut down and/or merged, and the property sold.
I got a McDonald's ad. Good job sir82
Jehovah's Witnesses: Stop! Do Not Attend Memorial!
by runForever inthe freemasons also commemorate jesus death.
it is a sick ritual do not attend this year!.
The Freemasons also commemorate Jesus death. It is a sick ritual do not attend this year!