This is the first message from the CO:
"William Claire Menninger, a co-founder of The Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas, wrote 13 symptoms of mental illness. One of them is: “The attitude that I am always right and others always wrong.” This was the first jolt I received: What characterizes an individual’s mental deficiency perfectly characterizes the organization collectively. Since then I began to watch the Watch Tower IMPARTIALLY and OBJECTIVELY! It is nothing but extremism born of blindness!
Every teaching has its plus and minus; hence no point in declaring some teachings as false. I was reared as a pious catholic who was so delighted to serve as an altar boy. I still remember the catechism teacher telling me: Trinity is not a mystery. It is very simple—Father, Son and the Holy Spirit symbolize three major roles God performs (Creator, Destroyer, and Preserver). Always remember these three roles and act out them in your personal lives—DESTROY your vices, CREATE virtues in place of them and PRESERVE them. I used to wonder—what a nice and beneficial teaching.
When my family became JWs, I had to abandon this cherished teaching along with many others, despite the clear teaching of Jesus himself, who gave his parting commandment “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Mathew 28:19). No amount of interpretations can cast a shadow on this proof Jesus himself provided so authoritatively.
Church Fathers chose from an ocean of scrolls 66 scrolls as Bible canon; and same Church Fathers chose from an ocean of teachings trinity also. WT has no problem in accepting their canon and rejecting trinity teaching? Is this not arbitrariness? Especially when something is beneficial, why should it be categorized as false?
It all amounts to convenience. It is like how people respond to the proposal to widen the road. Road-users will welcome it as good news. Road-side residents will say it is bad news!"