There is no difference between "spirit guided" oder "spirit directed" oder "inspired" - even not for the JWs.
They use both wordings for the bible writers.
*** g71 11/8 p. 28 The Role of God’s Spirit in Bible Writing ***
So, while human effort was definitely involved in Bible writing, the most important role was played by God’s spirit. It revealed information that could not have been acquired through human research. Additionally, God’s spirit guided men in such a way that accurate, beneficial material was recorded.
*** w03 7/1 p. 14 par. 20 “Look! This Is Our God” ***
20 Through his use of such imperfect humans, Jehovah provided just what we need—a record that is “inspired of God” yet retains the human element. (2 Timothy 3:16)
Let's review: It is a harmful CULT - who twists the minds of innocent people with confused explanations and demands absolute obedience in the end.
*** w96 4/15 p. 19 Why True Worship Receives God’s Blessing ***Bible translations themselves are not inspired by God.