JoinedTopics Started by caroline77
angels and women
by caroline77 ini was told by jw's that angels came down to earth before the flood, and had children with women.. i have a question about this and would like the sort of answer a jw would give so that i can be ready for them when they come to my door.. if one third of god's angelic staff were banished to earth, are they doing this now?.
if not, what is stopping them?.
if so, where are all these half angel children?.
What the Bible says
by caroline77 inif you want to wake up your jw relatives try challenging them with this series of bible quotations:.
acts 1 v 11. men of galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky?
this jesus who was taken up from you into the sky will come in the same manner as you have seen him going into the sky.. john 20 v 19-20. when it was late that day, the first day of the week, and the doors were locked where the disciples were for fear of the jews, jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them: may you have peace.+20 after saying this, he showed them his hands and his side.+ then the disciples rejoiced at seeing the lord.
preaching and memorial question
by caroline77 ini asked a jw why most of them don't partake of the bread and wine at their memorial, and was told that the command was given to the disciples only.. at the end of matthew's gospel, the command is given to the 11 disciples to go out and preach to everyone, so why do those who don't take the bread and wine go out knocking doors preaching?.
surely if only the disciples can take the emblems then only the disciples should preach.. no explanation of where the 144,000 come into it was given.. .
by caroline77 inwhy would god create the world, then and put a pychopathic malignant loony in charge, and then pay a ransom to get it back?.
that would make the jw god a bad judge of character, unable to keep his own staff under control, and the devil a complete loser.. where do these ideas come from?
i don't find it in the bible..
Armageddon question
by caroline77 inwho do jw's think is going to kill everyone at armageddon?.
how will it happen?.
what is their evidence?.