Welcome Cappytan,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I couldn't live the lie to keep all my loved ones. I lost a great deal. If I could do it all again I would do it differently.
If you do more research and finish Crisis of Conscience, and check out sites like jwsurvey.org and jwfacts.com you may feel you wish to leave WT. If you do I strongly recommend you build up a circle of friends outside WT before you make your exit.
Trusted work mates, or even start a new hobby. Something to replace what you will lose if you leave. Talk to your wife as well, Combating cult Mind control, by Steve Hassan, is a good book to help you reach your wife. She may be very strongly entrenched in her beliefs. This book will help you understand ways to communicate that will be the least stressful for her. After all if you leave you want to try and take your wife with you.
Take care Cappytan
Kate xx