Good point, all cults prey on the vulnerable. It's how they control people more easily, if they are vulnerable.
Kate xx
i just checked out google trends for "jehovah's witnesses" (denomination).
not sure if the link will be to the term but let's try:.
Good point, all cults prey on the vulnerable. It's how they control people more easily, if they are vulnerable.
Kate xx
my mom called me yesterday to ask how i was doing.
i hadn't seen her in a while, so it was nice to hear her voice.
we went through the motions of jw small talk and then she started telling me about her co visit from last week.
very soon our way of worship will be altered by this wicked world."-SOP
As many have already said, this is the same old nonsense to keep members alert and doing more. Don't fall for it. All the new thoughts and the new practices amount to nothing. JW TV is the current big thing and it's just a load of rubbish talks by the GB.
Kate xx
i found his logic and succinct explanation of his position fantastic..
it's finally finished!
it's a fictional story about an old jw.
it is very long, about 7000 words.. the opal ring.
Thanks Julia, I enjoyed that. You have posted the first half before though. I remember it. Sad abrupt ending though, but very realistic indeed.
Kate xx
i was researching all things un related to jws when i came across this website: "jehovah's trumpet"
i read an article about a jw who found out the watchtower had joined the un.
she left the org and now her daughter is shunning her while boasting about it!
I thought it was really funny. It brings out how stupid some rules are.
You know it's satire right?
Kate xx
i made it myself, although i am not very good at computerizin'.. i thought would try to encapsulate many subjects at once, after all, " a picture is worth a thousand words.
if anyone knows of a good meme site that will let me make it better, please let me know.
none of the sites i visited would let me rotate the words properly.
Well done DD for doing something out of the box. I still can't think of a new avatar for myself.
Kate xx
hello all... i currently studying the bible teach book and i'm just curious what information does the study conductor record about the student and is it passed on??
and they keep on saying "the truth" which is starting to get on my nerves.
I would never suppress me being gay for an courupt American religious sect.- Kulotti
That is really good to hear at least you realise what will be expected of you. If you know the fellowship is fake why even bother with them. Personally I know a lot of very caring JWs, but it is really all about the hours and counting time.
Glad you are proud of being gay.
Kate xx
identical twin studies show there is a strong inheritable component to religiosity.
thomas bouchard studied identical and fraternal twins raised apart and tested them on religious attitudes.. the correlation for the former turned out to be 62% compared to just 2% for the latter.
his colleague.
Thanks for the link cofty, I probably would find it interesting if I could access the full paper. But I am not happy to register and sign up to site I know nothing about just to read the article.
I don't point blank disagree with the study. But you were a theist for a number of years and then changed. Was is genetic or environmental in your case?
My belief is there is some weight to the study, but people have the determination to change how they feel about religion, God and the bible so it can't be always the case it's genetic. I think I was born with some kind of gene that predisposes me to have faith in God, but who knows in ten years time I could change my mind.
As far as abiogenesis is concerned, at the moment there is room for God and enough evidence for me to have faith in a creator, but as science progresses that could definitely change for me. So am I genetically predisposed to have faith in God?
Kate xx
it has been a good 8 years away from my area, a good 10 years + since i was regularly at meetings.
a good 12 years since i was hesitantly active.. it is a slow process but it does happen.
i now feel no connection to the belief system beyond memories.
Hi nice to see you again Snare. It's so nice to hear happy stories. You have taken positive steps with your life and feel the benefits. Sadly though I don't think it's that easy. I wouldn't say that I miss anything about WT or individual JWs, but leaving when your divorced, df'd and 41, is hard. Rebuilding a new life has all sorts of challenges.
Giving up my career to pioneer was the biggest regret I have. It has been hard to rebuild from there. I am happy for you Snare. Well done.
Kate xx
identical twin studies show there is a strong inheritable component to religiosity.
thomas bouchard studied identical and fraternal twins raised apart and tested them on religious attitudes.. the correlation for the former turned out to be 62% compared to just 2% for the latter.
his colleague.
Yeah DJS,
You're getting a bit extreme there to make your point. Sorry I don't buy into it totally, although it is possible that people are born with faith and keep it. But who really cares anyway.
I think that lurkers and newbies need to know that there are many healthy ways to go when you leave WT, and that believing in God is not necessarily a bad path.
Kate xx