if a woman wants to leave the org....more than likely the man will to. if the man wants to leave the org...more than likely the marriage is over. - GTTM
I know you feel from your perspective that this is the case, but I don't think it has anything to do with gender, I know of brothers that have left and brought their wives out with them and also sisters that have left and husbands still in or divorced like my relationship.
It really does depend on the individuals...........some are free thinking and some are heavily indoctrinated. I am really sorry that your wife seems to be heavily indoctrinated and you have tried everything Steve Hassan recommends in his book.
You have two options.........keep trying or accept she will never leave. Then you have to decide if you can live in a divided household.
You can't keep going through the motions as it's stressing you out.
Take care GTTM
Kate xx