Kate you have totally misrepresented the facts.- cofty
No I haven't my facts are correct all you have to do is google enantiomers. My chemistry is correct cofty. You say you have proof God does not exist and all you can say is that I have misrepresented the facts.
You are talking nonsense cofty and you know it. I am openminded about your premise, but you are not giving me anything verifiable. You are just saying you think I am wrong.
I am a chemical analyst and I have other chemical analysts on this board that can back me up about homochirality and racemic mixtures. But anyone seeing our exchange can google the information if they like and confirm I did not misrepresent the facts.
I am challenging you cofty to prove to me where I am wrong and you are right. I don't want to be wrong any longer than I need to be. Show me proof if you have it.
Kate xx