I am sure if I had used any of those previous examples... I would have tons of support. All of those things are rude and unacceptable. What you have to understand... even though you as well are sensitive to those sensations.- LS
I don't think I am being callous when I say I want to wear fragrances. It's not rude to smell of fragrances. All you're other examples are people doing things deliberately so upset others. I can see your perspective LS, but it's clear you don't see other peoples perspective. If a close friend told me my fragrance hurt them, I would not wear it when I was with them, but I will not stop wearing fragrance because the person next to me in the supermarket might get a migraine from it.
If a person has a disability or sensitivity they should not expect the whole of humanity to change for them, they need to adopt strategies to cope with their disability or sensitivity. You need to understand people who wear perfume are not deliberately being rude, and I think that it's this point that you don't grasp LS.
Can you see my perspective too?
Kate xx