I read a few posts from the JWtalk thread. It reminds me of the loving kind sisters in my cong. They are so full of faith Armageddon will come soon, but they are losing loved ones each year. So very sad.
Kate xx
just saw this on the public area of jwtalk (i am not a member).
here is the link.. http://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/23523-privvy-news/.
such a shame - i do feel for these ones - i just don't know what to say.... wgo.
I read a few posts from the JWtalk thread. It reminds me of the loving kind sisters in my cong. They are so full of faith Armageddon will come soon, but they are losing loved ones each year. So very sad.
Kate xx
would love to see if any users are from orange county area??
been around newport beach, laguna beach, and costa mesa for the last 12 years!!
been hesitant on posting my area, but i have nothing to hide my family, as well as my husbands know where we stand.
Welcome to the board,
I am from the UK. Sorry I would love to meet up. We just had a nice meet up in Manchester, North West England. Just four of us.
Kate xx
it funny how the cult will imbelish on somethings and others they just sweep under the rug and you never hear anything about it again.
i was just doing some searches on the internet and stumbled on this.
i had heard that the dub's were trying to get people to go to israel and then you never hear anything after that.
The report says that JWs are trying to convince children and teenagers to convert.
This is true they aim at that age group with their simplified recruitment tools.
Kate xx
so, if lying or being deliberately misleading is a "disfellowshipping" offence, why haven't the brothers who lied to the australian royal commission been brought before a judicial committee?
If the elders want to DF you, they will find a reason. It's being unrepentant that causes the Dfing. But if the elders don't want to DF you they will find you repentant of whatever you have done.
It's all a sham and dependent on your status with the elders
Kate xx
i joined this wonderful site, only a few weeks ago, although i have been away from the borg, for almost 20 years.
i didnt introduce myself, on a personal level, but i jumped right in, commenting, making threads, and just immersing myself in this community.
what a time, indeed, to be here, its almost as if i was "called" here, because the week i lurked, and joined, was when all this recent stuff came out.
Thank you for you're story. I had a similar experience in a JC. I recorded it. Send me a pm if you want to listen to it.
Kate xx
how many of us were woken up by some apostate yelling false prophets at a convention?.
how many of us were woken up by someone holding a sign and yelling, what happened to 1975.
how many of us were coerced to investigate the wt because some ex-jw pulled up a bunch of old watchtowers magazines and told us to read the false predictions?.
Cedars woke me up. He bumped his site on Google some how and I clicked on it by mistake.....we exchanged few emails and he finally woke me up.
I was experiencing injustice at the hands of elders I must admit.....but still very indoctrinated when I spoke to Cedars.
Kate xx
so i was scrolling down facebook and i saw that my brother-in-law was getting lots of likes and congrats (including sadly from my wife) for graduating pss.
initially i thought peter pan (he is incredibly immature for a 23 year old) had gone against character and completed some sort of educational or vocational course until i found that pss stood for pioneer service school.
i was tempted to comment how sad this was but instead commented that "no matter how much you do they will always make you feel like it is not enough".
Sorry to hear your wife is sending money to support pioneering. This goes against your belief system and it might result in the the recruiting of vulnerable people. But having said this I am glad you are not forbidding your wife to spend money as she wishes. You are giving her financial freedom in your marriage and treating her as an equal.
Kate xx
researchers in york used magnetic stimulation to target an area of the brain called the medial frontal cortex in a group of volunteers.
a control group received a sham treatment.. both groups were asked to think about death.
the group who experienced the magnetic energy reported 32.8% less belief in angels, god and heaven.. when faced with difficult challenges people often take refuge in ideology.
The group who experienced the magnetic energy reported 32.8% less belief in angels, god and heaven. - Cofty
lately my mental health has been rapidly declining.
i have anorexia and deppression, and my anxiety has become overwhelming.
i have been to many doctors/therapists in the past, but because i have not been magically cured my parents dont want to get me any more help.
I am worried about you Blackwolf. You are 16. Homeschooled. Have no one to talk to. Depressed and anorexic.
You really need some support. You are in a cycle with your parents that they think the solution is prayer.....but one real solution is to stop going to Jehovah’sWitness meetings. You also need real support over your eating disorder. You could seriously damage your body.
I would love to help. But your options are limited. How can we really help Blackwolf?
Kate xx
thank you all for your sincere encouragement during these last few weeks.
finally, she is at peace.
i was with her , holding her hand when she died.
Glad you were with her right until the end
Kate xx