overall they pretend that I don't exist.-magotan
Sorry about this, it's really sad. It makes me so angry. I feel deeply for you xx
Kate xx
im on my phone, so im really limited.
i came out to my family about my doubts and my sexuality.
shit hit the fan.
overall they pretend that I don't exist.-magotan
Sorry about this, it's really sad. It makes me so angry. I feel deeply for you xx
Kate xx
click on preview book.
you can review the entire book it looks like.
has alot of good information.
Looks like you have change your mind SBF
Kate xx
blondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
This is an unreasonable price compared to most ebooks. Sorry I am not interested in reading or recommending something so exorbitantly priced, but in the same vein I will not read the free download either
Kate xx
blondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
If I want to read for my own joy I will pay for whatever whets my appetite. But if I am researching alternatives to CoC to recommend to doubting JWs then I want to read it before I recommend it.
I use libraries regularly, I am currently reading Bad Pharma and I read Malala's story.
I have listened to the pros and cons of providing PDF downloads, and I have looked at alternative books. I want to do what's right as far as authors and CRH are concerned and I want to help doubting ones the same way I was helped.
Who is the priority?
Kate xx
blondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
Thanks orpahan crow,
I just looked up Apocalypse Delayed and the revised copy is $40 there are original copies for over $100 this is too much to spend on a book when there is also free downloads available. Penton does not sell an electronic version.
I have identified that this is a common problem with some apostate JW literature. I will not buy this book myself or illegally obtain a free PDF.
If the CRH and the Authors want to expose the WT the best way possible they will find a way. If they are more concerned about money then they won't be focussing on exposing WT.
Good idea though Orpahn Crow.
Kate xx
i have known all of them over the last 15 years, talked at length with them, and knew what their wishes were, the copyright holder and spouse spent even more time with them socially and helping them set up their arrangements for when ray and cynthia passed.
i don't believe that anyone else on this board or others was a confidant.
there is no need to prove it to anyone but the copyright office which is satisfied with this.
I thought this link was prudent to help us all understand the CRH position,
Kate xx
i have known all of them over the last 15 years, talked at length with them, and knew what their wishes were, the copyright holder and spouse spent even more time with them socially and helping them set up their arrangements for when ray and cynthia passed.
i don't believe that anyone else on this board or others was a confidant.
there is no need to prove it to anyone but the copyright office which is satisfied with this.
I have just done a search for "Governing body Holy spirit" and found this thread.
notsurewheretogo his OP was great........
I was an elder until March 2012 until I resigned. I then stopped going to meetings in October 2012 and have enjoyed 9 months of freedom that I have found to be jouful! I loved learning TTATT and sites like this and jwfacts.comhave been excellent.
I told the elders that I needed a break and that they should not contact me unless it was a social visit and true to their word they have done that. It will be nearly a year soon that I faded and I expect a visit soon.
I don't want to disassociate or be disfellowshipped for one reason. I have 3 kids and their grandparents, who are still in the truth, play an important role in their lives. My wife, who is still in but does not have great health relies on her parents to help out a lot. To lose this would be a nightmare, that is the only reason why I have not officially packed in this wacko religion.
But I do want to explain the situation to the elders.
I have a folder full of notes made from my research, all binded in a logical manner in various topics on things I disagree with, like blood, the cross, 1914, 607 BCE etc but it would be pointless to show this to an elder and it would lead to me being an apostate.
I am thinking about presenting this situation and logic, see what you think. I want to say to the elders that if they can resolve this situation that I am about to mention then we can go from there.
My logical situation is this.
Prior to the 1960's the Governing Body said that anyone who had an organ transplant should be disfellowshipped due to the fact that it was consumption of human flesh (cannibalism) and that you absorbed the traits of the person who donated the organ.
The fact that you were to be disfellowshipped shows that the Governing Body deemed it that this doctrine or requirement was essential to please Jehovah and have a relationship with Him.
Sometime in the 1960's, 1962 I think it was the Govering Body changed this to say it was not a disfellowshipping matter, you did not absorb the traits of the person and it was not cannibalism. It was now a conscience matter.
So my question to the elders that I want a satisifactory answer to is the doctrine to disfellowship based on cannablism of an organ transplant, did that have Holy Spirit approval?
Did the Governing Body get blessed when they released that doctrine? If the elders say yes then how did the Holy Spirit get it wrong that would actually cost a Witness to lose their life if they needed an organ transplant?
If the Holy Spirit did not bless that doctrine but later corrected the Governing Body then that means the Governing Body can release doctrines that are not blessed by Holy Spirit and can have life damaging consequences.
If Holy Spirit got it wrong and actually taught a false doctrine then I want nothing to do with God, if Holy Spirit corrected the Govering Body then the Governing Body can release doctrines that are not blessed by Holy Spirit (avoiding use inspired) and thus I want nothing more to do with a religion that does this.
My question to users on this forum are these:I understand Proverbs 4:18 that they will use to say the light gets brighter but surely they can't use that in this case as the light that the Holy Spirit released initially is wrong and would have cost lives.
I see my logic that has no answer, either Holy Spirit teaches us wrong things or the men teach us wrong things...it's one or the other...is that right? Is there any answer that would negate my logic?
Because if they can't answer or resolve this situation then there is no point in going into anything else...
Some feedback would be welcome!
Prior to 1960's if you needed an organ tranplant to live and you wanted to be faithful to Jehovah you had to die.
After the 1960's if you needed an organ tranplant to live and you wanted to be faithful to Jehovah you could choose to have the transplant, live and be faithful.
The question is, the teaching prior to 1960's...who got it wrong? The men or the Holy Spirit...my logic dictates it doesn't matter as either answer shows you can't trust your life in this religion.
Are my facts correct? (I don't have the WT references on hand but will do)
Can any JW or the elders refute my logic so as to continue the lie that the Governing Body are the Channel of God?
What would they come back at me with?
Then he responded with his second post on the thread
I'm amazed at all the responses and they all the say the same thing...which is telling.
Remember I have done 18 months of research, read "Crisis of Conscience", "Captives to a Concept"...many Steve Hussain and Richard Dawkins books...I know, as a former elder, what elders must do...but yet again I served for many years with this body...I have a good relationship with them all...and whilst all the books and experiences label "elders" the same the way this is not true...many on the body are sincere men who like me just want to know the truth about things...
What about playing Devil's Advocate? Like I could say that I have a friend who has this view but as for me I'm a believer etc? That way they get the point but I still pledge my loyalty to them...
It does seem though that I wil say nothing...
I'll need to clarify that it was 1967 that transplants were a nono and 1980 it was reversed....thanks Donny.
This was written 3 years ago but is still valid now and will help doubting ones today.
I see your point Tal. There is so much information on JWN about the contents of COC that we don't nee to recommend the book until it's released officially
i have known all of them over the last 15 years, talked at length with them, and knew what their wishes were, the copyright holder and spouse spent even more time with them socially and helping them set up their arrangements for when ray and cynthia passed.
i don't believe that anyone else on this board or others was a confidant.
there is no need to prove it to anyone but the copyright office which is satisfied with this.
blondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
Lol Bonsai. I get your point too.
When I was doubting around 2013 that's all that was recommended to me from various sources. It really made the penny drop and switch on a light in me.
But I also want to support the CRH in anyway I can to get this out in the public domain as quickly as possible, as I understand that it went out of print because too many pirate copies were being downloaded.
Kate xx
blondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
My point is that my personal " crisis" involved more than the organisation being wrong,- Rebel
Yes I see your point. Very good. For many though it is about the organisation being false and finding out what exists behind the curtain. As an exjw, I am trying to expose WT as a harmful cult. This is the first step for some, examining if God exists is the next step for many.
I totally respect your point though. We are all different in the way we wake up. It depends what kind of a JW we were also.
Kate xx