Good for you Steph, enjoy as much as you can. Here in the UK we had pancake day Tuesday this week and I flipped pancakes with a friend. It was just a bit of fun and great.
Go for it
Kate xx
okay i'm so excited, i'm celebrating valentines day today!
i walk into work this morning (normally a sterile office filled with boring engineers like myself) to find everyone clad in decorative hearts with streamers hanging from the ceiling and heart shaped goodies in the kitchen.
had i walked in on this last year, i would've kept my head low and tried to avoid all conversation unless it was strictly about work.
Good for you Steph, enjoy as much as you can. Here in the UK we had pancake day Tuesday this week and I flipped pancakes with a friend. It was just a bit of fun and great.
Go for it
Kate xx
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
Fink, yes we deal with all those issues you mention and bereavement, wills probate and much more right up to consumer and landlord issues.
Kate xx
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
Saint and Je.Suis
Thanks for the German lesson. I am glad there is a word for that feeling. He he he I do feel kind of good and powerful lol xx
Kate xx
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
Everything I do at work is confidential, impartial, independent and free. The amount of information is the maximum I can give really today. Sorry to be so annoying.
Kate xx
today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife.
they must be having issues they need help with.
this elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.. am i bad because i smiled inside that they are having problems?.
Today at work one of the clients that came in for advice was an elder and his wife. They must be having issues they need help with. This elder was the elder that told us not to go to a domestic violence shelter or not to go to the police when my daughter got a black eye.
Am I bad because I smiled inside that they are having problems?
I dreamed of sitting them down and opening the bible at Prov 3.5, 6 and then telling them to F**K OFF. But instead I offered them the option of seeing another advisor lol.
I never thought I would love Karma as much as I do lol
Kate xx
i am on a pension, so i could not afford to pay for a psychologist, but my good doctor referred me to a free clinic for people on a low income, for my anxiety and depression, so i have finally got my first appointment with a psychologist since i started my fade, so where do i start trying to explain the mental trauma i feel as a fading jw?
i would appreciate your advice.
simple .
You can start by telling the therapist the story of how you came to search through other information and how you were feeling about what you found.
I think this is a good start
Take care and keep us informed
Kate xx
i am on a pension, so i could not afford to pay for a psychologist, but my good doctor referred me to a free clinic for people on a low income, for my anxiety and depression, so i have finally got my first appointment with a psychologist since i started my fade, so where do i start trying to explain the mental trauma i feel as a fading jw?
i would appreciate your advice.
simple .
Kate xx yes, put up the link to your JC recording, it would be interesting to listen to-SM
This is my whole story and the JC hearing is at the end the last 17 mins....the whole thing takes about 35 mins so get a coffee and relax lol xx
this took quite a while this evening.
so worth it though.
hope you enjoy!
i am on a pension, so i could not afford to pay for a psychologist, but my good doctor referred me to a free clinic for people on a low income, for my anxiety and depression, so i have finally got my first appointment with a psychologist since i started my fade, so where do i start trying to explain the mental trauma i feel as a fading jw?
i would appreciate your advice.
simple .
so where do I start trying to explain the mental trauma I feel as a fading jw? - SM
We each leave for different reasons that are personal to our circumstances, but we wake up because we realise WT is feeding us nonsense. What was it that started you doubting?
For me it was the mishandling of domestic violence in my family, then I realised it is spread throughout the whole of WT and others had suffered the same.
If you would like to listen to my youtube and hear the recording of my last JC let me know and I will put up a link
Kate xx
l was wondering if others get the feeling that the world we live in seems not quite right.l can not pin point anything specific but since childhood days l often get the feeling something isn;t know the feeling of deja vu.
am l the only one to feel this way?ld love to hear from others and any storys they may have.having been raised in the jdubs maybe lm just suffering mild bouts of paranoia .
We each just have to get on with our lot in life and have as much fun as possible. Being aware of current affairs is important but trying to analyse the world condition is not conducive to having a fun life
Have fun as much as you can
Kate xx