How are you feeling today Blackwolf?
I know a lot of posters are telling you to not get baptized. But I understand what it's like to be a child of baptized JWs. I was once the JW parent of a 16 year old daughter, who wanted to make her parents happy and wanted to be a good person with good and desirable qualities.
I told my daughter the only way was Jehovah's way and that anything else was Satan's way and did she want to please Satan. She let me control her as she knew I really loved her and cared about her. But she had different views on right and wrong. She gained my trust and did things her way without me knowing.
I feel regret that I was so controlling and my 16 year old had to lie to me. I feel for you and understand you really have no choice, because you know your parents truly love you.
Let us know how you are doing today?
Kate xx