Molecules often need a bit of help to get together. The matchmakers are called catalysts. Imagine the result though if the end product ALSO has the right properties to catalyse more molecules. Each generation not only produces more end product but also more catalysts to facilitate even more reactions. - cofty
This is not accurate, not all chemical compounds require catalysts, some exist as compounds in nature. Inorganic compounds are not entantiomeric therefore are never homochiral.
The result is exponential growth. - cofty
This is incomplete and misleading. Homochiral compounds that are synthesised in the lab using autocatlysis grow exponentially. There is no experiment and no results for this statement. In chemistry a result is a piece of data not a statement of fact.
If there is a very small difference in the balance of the right and left types of molecule in the early stage of the process then that difference also grows exponentially. When both types are competing for resources one will win the contest by orders of magnitude. - cofty
I have already told you on this thread that this statement is not true. But you conveniently ignored it. Your lack of chemistry leads you to make false chemical statements. This is intellectually lazy and dishonest. Just because you repeat it, doesn't make it true.
Soai demonstrated exactly this outcome in his lab. It was one the great experiments of science.-cofty
You don't understand anything about what Soai was researching and developing in 1995, or his motives for doing so. You're just twisting the facts to try and discredit me and what I have concluded based on my knowledge of chemistry.
It is not the burden of anybody to show that any process could NOT be guided by a supernatural source. That is a fool's errand. - cofty
Yes I agree it is, you have made a fool of yourself trying to do that in this thread.
It is the task of science to show that it is entirely possible for unguided naturalistic processes to accomplish each task. The puzzle of why the stuff of living things is all made of left-handed molecules is now no more of a mystery than the path of the planets. - Cofty
Who says what the task of science is? You are not twisting facts at all because you don't have bias, but just a position. All living this are not made of l-enantiomers, What about glucose and all d-sugars?
Cofty, no one can prove that Gods do or don't exist. I draw my conclusions on the scientific facts and data I have it's just my opinion though, and I don't think anyone should follow what I say. I am not trying to make any claims of an existence of a diety. You can carry on seeking the very best arguments against your position if it makes you happy. But your argument against my position is not the very best argument. cantleave, Angus' argument is much better than yours.