How revealing this all is. I believed every word of it.....hook line and sinker.
Basically the COs must be told to get JWs to lie....big fat liars themselves.
Kate xx
my zealously fanatic jw mum is aware of my current "tourist-jw" life.
what she doesn't know for sure is that she's part of the ones who brought me to this.. my mum was a quite moderate jw, she even got publically reproved once.
in our house, there was no daily text, no family study, no eating together, no preaching together, no watchtower study...even though she regularly checked my wt to see if i studied it.. being a single mother, she had a quite busy work schedule, so from the moment she woke up to the moment she went to bed, you'd better not waste a single minute of her time needlessly.
How revealing this all is. I believed every word of it.....hook line and sinker.
Basically the COs must be told to get JWs to lie....big fat liars themselves.
Kate xx
most of you have probably seen the apostasy trial video posted on youtube (and all over social media) recently.
well, there's a "wordly" woman from another country that i had worked with some time ago and she's posted it, tagged me, and asked "wtf?
", knowing i'm a still a jw just for family reasons.
I hardly use it and am selective about who I friend on it.
Kate xx
i was just listening to a jc for apostasy on jwstruggle.
the issue was raised if elders are appointed by holy spirit, then why is there such an issue with sex abuse.
the answer was given (and i thought it was quite true) well jesus was the son of god and he appointed judas under holy spirit, just to have him turn on him.
I would say that Judas being appointed by holy spirit proves that holy spirit does not work or does not exist.
This means that holy spirit really has nothing to do with guiding people to do good. It also means we should not trust in the holy spirit we should trust in our own ability to make decisions.
Kate xx
The elders seemed surprised when he was discussing the UN. They seemed to have no clue and didn't want to see proof of Watchtowers position over the years.
I found this very telling and obvious that WT breaks up families.
Kate xx
born in cambridge, ma to a liberal couple that escaped the conservative south, my parents raised me better than to become a jehovahs witness.
funny thing was they got mixed up in it first.. while that is a story for another time, i myself had to go along as the third of five children in my family.
dads job transferred him to texas and my mom worked fulltime herself, but eventually we found ourselves drinking the kool-aid of ambiguity intolerance and full-fledge belief that the bible was literal fact and that salvation was found only by those who were smart enough to enter the confines of the watchtower.. its weird how many people claim they fear children raised by two gay parents will grow up to be gay.
Welcome Caleb, interesting story. I too come from a Jewish family in North London and took part in religious customs growing up.
Glad you made it out thecult.
Kate xx
good morning everyone,.
i have a friend who lives in new zealand, and because of not wanting to be identified she has asked me to post this on her behalf.
she is just wanting clarification from people who live in the local area of something she heard.
That would be nice 8 friends all leaving will also raise questions to the JWs left behind.
I hope this rumour is true.
Kate xx
you know, i always maintained that during this fading process, and while learning ttatt, i would not let myself get "bitter twisted and angry".... but, in all honesty, if i examine myself, i have become quite bitter toward the org, toward the false friends and the gb.. i have become angry as i see the extent of damage i feel being raised in "the truth" has done.... i feel hurt towards the lost opportunities in life etc.... how do i not allow myself to get too swallowed up by such bitterness?.
i have always been a very happy, positive, selfless person.
i can put people at ease, i am someone people feel comfortable chatting to.
I volunteer and taken up a new hobby of playing netball. None of it works....I still feel isolated and alone and miss my son terribly everyday. But I carry on for his sake and my daughter.
I am not bitter just very sad and isolated even though I have new pursuits in my life.
It's okay to feel like this stuck, not everyone has a successful exit.
Kate xx
Eden, this is really saddening. I am so sorry. It's the thing I worry about the most with my kids that they go back. I hope you can still have a happy marriage and go out and do fun things together.
Kate xx
i read here regularly and although i haven't joined in, i really appreciate all the wonderful contributions from those who are willing to share their experiences.... .
i was a convert.
i won't go into the whole history ( perhaps another day) - my story could easily be recognised in the small town where i live, with my husband.. so, we stopped going to the meetings around a period of time when we were going through severe emotional difficulties - at that point, we needed unconditional family love - the hectic, forced jw dinner parties and social occasions gave no real comfort.
Hey Alive,
I understand what you're going through and it's difficult. It's rotten to lose all your friends and loved ones. I left in Nov 2013 and still mourn over my loss.
The isolation can be devastating and a nightmare to cope with.
I hope you and your husband can get through this and be happier soon.
Kate xx
for only the second time in internet history, a video recording of a secret jehovah's witness apostasy trial has been published online on the jwstruggle youtube channel.
follow isaac's story here:.
I recorded my JC and put it up on the internet with jwstruggles help. Thanks Eric.....but it was not an apostasy was for "reviling".
It's still on jwstruggle now
Kate xx