She did very well and should be proud of herself.
Kate xx
She did very well and should be proud of herself.
Kate xx
Hi Blackwolf and welcome to the board. It's so nice to see a 15 year old who can think for herself.
It's really good that you don't want to be a JW and you have your own dreams. Well done and keep planing.
I am so sorry you suffer with anorexia it's a terrible condition I hope you get some real help and support for it.
Please take good care
Kate xx
i am sort of new here, used a different username for a while but things got 'difficult' at home so i've since been lurking.... what i would be really interested to know, if you don't mind sharing, is what it was that triggered your doubts and initial research which led to awakening, was it a bad experience, injustice, changed doctrine?
for me, it was seeing mistreatment of young ones in the congregation, they're under so much pressure and as soon as they go even slightly astray they are shunned, either informally (as bad associations which pushes them further into the 'world') or formally - with elders dying to throw the book at them so they even lose their family.... ...then reading about child abuse issues in the press.... ...which led me to silentlambs.
...then jw facts, this forum and coc, wham!
Injustice is what woke me and my kids up. We experienced domestic violence and the elders Df'd me because I exposed it and they wanted to shut me up.
Here is a youtube of my story and the JC meeting with the elders. It's over 30 mins so watch it when you have time.
Kate xx
my son was never a jw.
he was born about a dozen years after i left.
but he's heard about it from me and knows i was one.. recently he has a new best friend at school.
Sounds like they are not very active anyway......I wouldn't worry unless your son comes home telling you you're going to die at Armageddon xx
Kate xx
.. i`ve just come across this... welcome to the official illuminati website.
.................. click the link below... illuminati official website - | contact or .... .. is it real? it bogus? it a joke?...
I wouldn't say it was a joke but just another fake cult recruiting as many as they can.
Kate xx
so i went to get a burger just now, and a couple of elders from my former congregation caught me off guard.
they started giving me the we feel so sorry for you, you must be so lonely bit.
i kept telling them im doing great and im not lonely but its like they couldnt hear me talking.
I'd be willing to bet you could go all the way with at least one of them - hoser
I would agree I think desperate women JWs are more likely to be sexually promiscuous than non JW women who have more self respect.
Kate xx
i just wanted to introduce myself and say a big hello to all of my mentally diseased friends.. i say friends because i have been lurking for some time so it feels like home (us lurkers are a bit scared and cautious so it takes a while).
i won't bore you with too many details, but i am a born in, currently serving as the cobe of a congregation.
my wife and i have pioneered for the last 10 years and were shaken awake by that ridiculous 15th july 2013 wt about the generation and 1914.. my wife who is much smarter than me has questioned for years.
Iwasblind, it's nice to see you have plans and all exits should have a good plan to help you stay in control and do things your way. It's cathartic and helps you transition better.
Kate xx
have you noticed the article entitled "watch your associations in these last days" in the new august 2015 study watchtower?.
unless i'm reading it wrong, or somehow misinterpreting it, it is saying that we should be kind to intentional breakers of god's laws inside and outside the congregation, including fornicators, but that we must not be close associates with them.. are they already preparing for a shift in their disfellowshipping practices?.
here are the relevant paragraphs:.
It's all utter nonesense and propaganda. Being kind is getting close.
Fisherman your idea of kindness is nonesense.
The article states that unrepentant ones get df'd. Well that depends on your dad really. It's all total rubbish and shunning policies have not changed by way of this article.
Kate xx
I feel so sorry for her. Such a terrible experience. Her parents are wrong on so many levels.
I am so glad she has kids and can function to take care of them and build her own lovingfamily.
Kate xx
imagine that the cult decided to stop shunning family members on the proviso that the dfd person was not actively trying to attack the cult.. (please don't debate whether or not this is likely - it's hypothetical).
how would you respond to your family?.
personally i think i would be less than cooperative.
I'm confused Kate. You said your parents have never been JW, so I assume you joined as an adult and your kids are both mentally out. So how are your family close despite WT shunning policies? - Xant
Basically I am saying my kids did not adhere to the policies of shunning, instead one left and the other avoids all meetings when possible. They could have been so brainwashed by the cult that they could have decided to shun me. If either of them would have chosen to do so I would still forgive them. But thankfully they were not guided by the GB when I got Df'd and neither of them shunned me in spite of the policy. We remain very close.
Kate xx