Very well written, I enjoyed reading it. Keep posting and reading here it is therapeutic and you will get a lot of support and understanding.
Kate xx
update - for those of you who read my last topic 'disfellowshipped at 18' i am so thankful for all the support and helpful comments i received.
it's amazing to know that despite how alone i may feel, so many of you have suffered the same way that i have.
i know that i can live happily without being one of jehovah's witnesses.
Very well written, I enjoyed reading it. Keep posting and reading here it is therapeutic and you will get a lot of support and understanding.
Kate xx
some have asked how my views and convictions have changed over the past 15 years or so after leaving the watchtower behind to return to my familys roots and embrace judaism.
the best way to explain things is to allow both the religion of the watchtower and my life as a jew today to stand side-by-side for comparison.
while i cant guarantee this will help prove to others that the jehovahs witnesses are truly a crazy religious group, i am sure it will prove to most that jews probably are, and are quite aware of it.
Hilarious.....I was a Jew also....but didn't go back to my roots....I sometimes had the inclination to go to a Sabbath service in Liberal synagogue...but have not gone
With all joking aside....I think it's still a very sexist religion....even with gay female rabbis lol
Kate xx
i hope everyone is having a good saturday.
i've visited this many times in the past month or so, joined yesterday and finally got the nerve to post!
needless to say, i'm super nervous, being new to this whole experience.
Welcome Marie,
Thanks for the first instalment of your story....very interesting so far. Yes it does blow your mind learning TTATT but the outrage and frustration subsides once you focus on your exit plan if you decide to exit.
Take care
Kate xx
am finding a whole lot of acronyms that are really foreign to me and i now have an appreciation for what cult language sounds like to non-culters.
wondering please if you can post your definitions so i can get up to speed.
otherwise, as an indoctrinated ex-culter, i am inclined to create my own new light and swiftly it will be gospel.
Welcome MJB, looks like you have the most commonly used ones now.
I must admit I always thought SIL was sister in law too......I can't see it being a position in the congregation. But it's possible I am wrong.
Anyway welcome once again
Take care
Kate xx
this is my first post here though i've been a long time lurker.
my story in a nutshell:.
started having doubts after the new silver sword and watchtower study regarding overlapping generations.
Thanks for your story.
I helped my daughter get out when we were facing injustices. I told he she could think for herself and I didn't want her to have any regrets and I didn't want her to end up like the miserable middle aged single sisters in the cong.
She got the message and left, saw through all the injustices, and knows it's a cult. But she has never read COC or
She has told her story on this site though
Kate xx
sorry if others have posted this video already.
i have been away a while...maybe i'm late to the party!.
a couple of people here asked, so, i would like to share my story.. i got baptized at the age of 14 (armageddon was coming any day).
to call keith to ask him to stop talking about me.
keith and mrs. keith denied they were talking about me.
Interesting story Brian, thanks for sharing. I am glad you have a good new life now.
Kate xx
you can probably guess how this story goes.. i began dating a non-witness boy.
he knew i was a baptised witness and understood the consequences i faced for dating him.
we agreed to keep our relationship secret, which was easy considering our 200 mile distance.
I'm just about settled now but everything has happened so quickly over the past 4 months, just need time to get used to my new circumstances.-asensier
Yes it takes time to settle, but you have a boyfriend that has known you for years and you seem to have a close bond. I hope he continues to treat you well
Kate xx
some of you may have read my post under the subcategory 'dating and relationships' entitled 'disfellowshipped at 18.
'i have recently started to produce a blog to share my story and would really appreciate your support.
if you are a user of wordpress, please follow and reblog.
I have read your first part the you wrote this morning. Looking forward to the rest. It's cathartic to get it out. I made a DVD and recorded my JC, if you want to see the youtube send me a pm and I will send you the link
Kate xx
you can probably guess how this story goes.. i began dating a non-witness boy.
he knew i was a baptised witness and understood the consequences i faced for dating him.
we agreed to keep our relationship secret, which was easy considering our 200 mile distance.
A phonecall with my parents resulted in me being told that I was in effect, dead to them. As well as this, my mam told me not to have children in case they ever hurt me as much as I hurt her. I hung up the phone.-ansensier
First of all welcome, I am from the UK too Liverpool.
What your mum said must have really hurt you. I would never say that to my daughter. When I was a JW I was really strict and said we should always rely on Jehovah, but when injustices came our way and my then 19 year old daughter left I supported her and left too.
I feel for you losing your mum like that especially if you had a close bond. I wish there was something else I could do to fix it. Writing a letter is a good idea and keep on writing, you may break the hold WT has on her.
Take care
Kate xx