I say stick to your guns and your own hard won principles and standards, if you can, stay away.- Slidin Fast
Yes that seems the consensus of the thread so far
Kate xx
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
I say stick to your guns and your own hard won principles and standards, if you can, stay away.- Slidin Fast
Yes that seems the consensus of the thread so far
Kate xx
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
If you want to attend a few meetings to support and help a loved one I find that very kind.- C
Thank you for giving an alternative perspective. I am doing it out of love and kindness
Kate xx
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
Don't do it at the meeting. Get her to come and see you at home instead.-K99
She is coming over late afternoon for a meal today............I just want her to keep coming so I can support her. I do see what you're saying though, and understand why you feel so strongly about someone already out.
Kate xx
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
You're a genuine gal. You don't belong in a fake world.-splash
Ahhh that's so sweet you can tell that just by electronic contact. Wish I could meet all you guys in person xx
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
I believe that is the sole reason you are considering going back to the KH. And I believe by asking you are trying to get us to talk you out of it. The more we rationalize the less rational we are.- DJS
Actually that's not the case at all, I am dating someone now and he took me out for the day to another city last Sunday, it was an amazing date and I wouldn't miss seeing him and doing that to go to a meeting, so I don't intent on going back regularly anyway.
Plus I play netball on the night of the service meetings so I won't miss netball either. I was just thinking of the sporadic Sunday.............but I can see your perspective too.
Kate xx
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
I believe yu have already decided.-Punky
Not entirely.........I might not go........or just go to one to get the gossip mills going. I am really looking for feedback. I know my daughter won't want me to go. But I would love gossip to get back to my ex I am back at meetings for a laugh lol
Kate xx
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
You were doing so well too.-splash
oooo so it's a step back you think. Ok I can take that on board
Kate xx
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
The only merit to a reinstatement plan-K99
I am not planning to get RI'd, I just want her to feel less isolated sitting alone at the back and then have some association at the end of the meeting and be in a listening mood.......it's my idea to win her over I suppose xx
So are you out now K99? Have you actually exited?
Kate xx
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
if what you are discussing is the JW meeting then I guess you probably should go.-heaven
Yes I would probably talk about how I found the speaker and the talk hypocritical in what ways specifically and that's why I have lost faith
Kate xx
hi guys,.
i might go to the meeting.
i stopped going in my heart properly in nov 2013, but i went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was df'd and tried to teach them a little ttatt.. now another df'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get ri'd, and i want to support her.
If you want to reach out to comfort any fellow DF'ed ones there are plenty of places you can meet away from the KH-jookbeard
Yes true good point thanks