Shall I go to the meeting? Would you?

by KateWild 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • KateWild

    Hi Guys,

    I might go to the meeting. I stopped going in my heart properly in Nov 2013, but I went to a couple of meetings to support a love one that was DF'd and tried to teach them a little TTATT.

    Now another DF'd loved one is coming to see me today and will likely encourage me to try and get RI'd, and I want to support her. I think the best way to get to see her regularly is go to meetings and then go for lunch and support her and give her tit bits of TTATT.

    Would you go to the meeting with this intent? Do you think I should?

    Kate xx

  • jookbeard
    I thought you were attending all the meetings some time back to make some sort of "point" to the elders? If it was me? of course not I've not been to a meeting in over 22 years, and why would I ever want to step in a KH again? they are toxic, evil , demented, masochistic, walk away, why keep punishing yourself over and over. If you want to reach out to comfort any fellow DF'ed ones there are plenty of places you can meet away from the KH.
  • Heaven

    Hi Kate ... I think you need to ask yourself how you feel going back now that you know TTATT. If you can stomach it then sure.

    I honestly have a very difficult time stomaching a KH. One of the reasons for me is that the local pedophile is still in my Dad's previous congregation. Back in 2010 was the last time I attended that KH and yeah, that douche bag was there. I had to go to take my Dad to a funeral... I mean 'memorial service/advert for JWs' for one of his friends (Dad wasn't able to drive at that point).

    If I were in your shoes I'd suggest to my loved one that we meet after they've gone to their meeting to discuss things. Of course, if what you are discussing is the JW meeting then I guess you probably should go.

    I would not. But that's me and my circumstances/stomach.

    Let us know what you decide and how it goes. Maybe try it once and see?

  • KateWild
    If you want to reach out to comfort any fellow DF'ed ones there are plenty of places you can meet away from the KH-jookbeard

    Yes true good point thanks

  • KateWild
    if what you are discussing is the JW meeting then I guess you probably should go.-heaven

    Yes I would probably talk about how I found the speaker and the talk hypocritical in what ways specifically and that's why I have lost faith

    Kate xx

  • konceptual99

    It's taking me so long to fade and get out there is no way I would willingly go back. This religion has defined so much of our lives already, if you've got out then why let it continue to do so when it's not necessary?

    Plus, I would suggest that you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. Trying to get someone who does not want to see, to consider the truth about the truth is a thankless task.

    The only merit to a reinstatement plan I can see is if it gives you (a) the ability to associate with people close to you and (b) if you plan to stop going as soon as you are reinstated. Even that seems a little bit of a risk ridden approach and will just mess with your head as you try and play reinstatement game.

  • KateWild
    The only merit to a reinstatement plan-K99

    I am not planning to get RI'd, I just want her to feel less isolated sitting alone at the back and then have some association at the end of the meeting and be in a listening's my idea to win her over I suppose xx

    So are you out now K99? Have you actually exited?

    Kate xx

  • Splash
    You were doing so well too.
  • punkofnice
    Would you go to the meeting with this intent?

    Not on your nelly.

    Do you think I should?

    I believe yu have already decided.

    I would point out that it looks like the WBT$ is winning through your loved one. The WBT$ are indirectly pressuring you to go back.

    If your loved one loves you back, they will accept you for who you are...unlike the WBT$.

    That's my Marjorie Proops for the day.

  • DJS


    You are one of the most beloved posters on this site. I'm saying this because what I'm about to say might sting a bit. My amateur psychological evaluation, and that is all that it is, is that your 'reasons' for going back to the KH have nothing to do with this sister. Nothing.

    We've all read your emotional struggles to find justice with the KH and its elders for the unjust way you were treated. Most of us have been there, and we deeply care, understand and feel your pain.

    I believe that is the sole reason you are considering going back to the KH. And I believe by asking you are trying to get us to talk you out of it. The more we rationalize the less rational we are.

    So to answer the question you posed: No, not in 1 billion years would I ever return to a KH given the scenario you described.

    Good luck Dear Kate.

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