Hey Laika,
Good to see your here again. Good advice I might find out about it and see if I am eligible.
Kate xx
looking for a way to stick two fingers up to the watchtower and do something useful?.
well, ever considered giving blood?
if you're eligible to do so i would encourage everyone here to go for it, the world needs more blood donors, it's always nice to help out and given our history i find there's something very enjoyable about it.
Hey Laika,
Good to see your here again. Good advice I might find out about it and see if I am eligible.
Kate xx
none of my jehovah's witness relatives called to tell me or my family.
just found out this morning.
Ohh Wow Perry,
I am so sorry no one told you. It's so terrible.
Take care
Kate xx
weird/odd question, but with our family fading, and our daughter in school how or should one approach teachers with this?
our child is a little too young to understand why we are fading, but it proves challenging in school as they have been, well brainwashed, to say i shouldn't do that etc... .
i don't like explaining anything to teachers about the fade, etc.
I don't like explaining anything to teachers about the fade, etc. as they could very well have friends that could report back to the cult center. - elderINewton
This is the biggest problem of a cult and it also helps identify one. If a child has cult friends that would report back for being involved in Halloween and Christmas activities. You need to make a decision to break or fake. You need to decide what is in the best interests of your whole family including your child.
This is a very serious life changing decision. Think carefully.
Take care
Kate xx
Hey will-be-apostate
I am from Liverpool. PM me if you want to meet up
Kate xx
been reading for about 2 and a half years, thought i would take the plunge and sign up.. my circumstances... i live in uk, serving as ms. i am fully awake.
i can not leave due to family, so just treating the meetings as a bit of a social club.
i would like to give out more details, but i think you all know the drill.. complete disillusionment and i suppose natural curiosity woke me up.. don't know what else to say right now, just hello, and i hope to get to know some of you guys better.
Welcome Old Major,
I too am from the UK. Liverpool. Enjoy your time here
Kate xx
at my mom's bed side all i see is either jw family or friends making a concerted effort to have me return to their fold.
evidentlyy, my mom has encouraged this and i'm a trapped prisoner, as they do their best to have me come back.
it's bad enough that i have to endure my mom's dying, now i have to be bombarded with this bs..
Sorry Min, to hear you're going through the love bombing right now. Hope you can get through it. Take care.
Kate xx
the new "bible teach" book is out!
thetruthbr has posted links for this and several other of the new publications.
as an educator, i am very interested in where the society is heading with their alleged "bible education" program.
It's interesting that you did this research, thanks for that. I am not surprised it's aimed for 11 yr olds.
I actually mentioned it in another thread that I think WT is targeting pre teens....and have them baptised and trapped at a younger age than normal.
By the time a child is 14/15 they have already identified it's nonsense in many cases.....so less teens are getting baptised.
Kate xx
just came across this news article and thought you all might like to see it.
quite funny.. figures on registration in icelands religious institutions have yielded some interesting results.. visir recently compiled data that they requested from the national registry on the numbers of people registered with different religious institutions in iceland.
unsurprisingly, the largest number of registrants belonged to the national church; some 240,395 icelanders out of the total population of 331,244 belong to the church, either by voluntary registration or from being autoregistered at birth.. where other religious institutions are concerned, one of the more interesting data points is that there are exactly 666 registered members of the jehovahs witnesses in iceland..
"downsizing" has reached special pioneers.. this is the template mexico is using to get rid of many of its special pioneers.
see how cold and unloving is the language they use.
a translation attempt is as follows:.
I am surprised the GB are giving them 3 months notice to get jobs and homes, without having to do their pioneer hours.
This is going to make some think that Jehovah provides.
I hope they wake up
Kate xx
so, recently, i made a reconnection with a long lost jw friend.i first met her when i was about 12 or 13, and she was about 10.. she was a lovely young lady, very poised, very intelligent, a cut above the other girls in the hall.
easy to talk to.
i was in love with her.all the boys in the hall loved her.
She said yes. We were engaged for a day. Until her family found out. And then she thanked me for f@%$^ing up her entire like. I don't even know how that happens.- WireRider
I am so sorry this has happened to you. After finding someone new to be happy with, you find she is backing off. A lot of us have woken up and would never go back some however are still indoctrinated. I have been dating a really nice guy for a couple of months, and now I have some insight into your circumstances, I will make sure that I don't ever treat a guy like that.
I hope you start dating again and forget this JW.
Kate xx