Glad you were with her right until the end
Kate xx
thank you all for your sincere encouragement during these last few weeks.
finally, she is at peace.
i was with her , holding her hand when she died.
Glad you were with her right until the end
Kate xx
so i've been pretty good at not going to meetings lately.
yesterday i went for the co's last talks.
older co. his last talk was absolutely shocking.
I asked my wife this morning what she thought of the part, she said she didn't agree with it. - fmf
I am so happy for you. Small steps are better than a huge leap. Steady and slow is the best way to wake up. There will be more things in the future she doesn't agree with either. School friends, extra curricular activities, higher education. The possibilities are there.
Just keep asking her opinion now and then.
Take care
Kate xx
way to early on a saturday morning we got a ring on our doorbell.
someone else answered the door.
after they left i walked by our entry way and gagged from the smell!
What is wrong with this rule.... Your personal fragrances should not be noticeable outside of your own personal space. Am I being unreasonable here? - LS
When I first put my perfume on it's stronger than it is an hour later. So it's outside my personal space for a short period of time. From now on I will apply it an hour before I go out. Stronger perfumes might be different, but perhaps they just recently sprayed it.
Kate xx
way to early on a saturday morning we got a ring on our doorbell.
someone else answered the door.
after they left i walked by our entry way and gagged from the smell!
I am sure if I had used any of those previous examples... I would have tons of support. All of those things are rude and unacceptable. What you have to understand... even though you as well are sensitive to those sensations.- LS
I don't think I am being callous when I say I want to wear fragrances. It's not rude to smell of fragrances. All you're other examples are people doing things deliberately so upset others. I can see your perspective LS, but it's clear you don't see other peoples perspective. If a close friend told me my fragrance hurt them, I would not wear it when I was with them, but I will not stop wearing fragrance because the person next to me in the supermarket might get a migraine from it.
If a person has a disability or sensitivity they should not expect the whole of humanity to change for them, they need to adopt strategies to cope with their disability or sensitivity. You need to understand people who wear perfume are not deliberately being rude, and I think that it's this point that you don't grasp LS.
Can you see my perspective too?
Kate xx
just read this over on jwr that a few members have heard that sp that were being told that they were being cut at the first of the year are now being put back in the system.
the speculation is that they would have a harder time finding employment than those under 50.. anyone else able to confirm this?.
its probably a good thing as the wtbts will lose that money, these older ones will still be able to make it and the wtbts have shown their hand as far as this is what they would have liked to have happen.
I don't think WT are going to be making any u-turns. Once they make a decision they normally stick to it. Humility and charity are not qualities WT display
Kate xx
so i've been pretty good at not going to meetings lately.
yesterday i went for the co's last talks.
older co. his last talk was absolutely shocking.
Punk, I wouldn't be surprised if it was an outline. The simified teach us book seems to be aimed at pre a c.o. outline after this book release is quite predictable. Despicable but predictable.
If we have pre teens that attended meetings they need to be protected from this propaganda.
Kate xx
yep, he told her that he wants to go a friends b-day...keep in mind it's not until december.
well anyway i told her i didn't mind if he did and i would take him.
yep, enter cult mode.....i hate this freaking cult.
You say there are only two options. Split or your wife wakes up.
Well for months now you have been awake while your wife is still indoctrinated. You have been doing fine keeping your family together.
This is the priority. You can leave and your wife can stay. You can be a nice family if you can achieve this by always showing her you love her and your family.
Kate xx
when i first learn ttatt i started telling every one.
ttatt will not help him, it will destroy him.
all his family are jws.
I wouldn't say who qualifies really.....I would say who would benefit.
I feel JWs with a strong sense of justice and a good moral compass would benefit from knowing TTATT, as these are the ones that see the injustice in WT and it bothers them.
JWs who don't really care about anyone apart from their imediate faimily and their own progress in WT would not benefit. Some of these actually do know TTATT and live a fake life.
Kate xx
way to early on a saturday morning we got a ring on our doorbell.
someone else answered the door.
after they left i walked by our entry way and gagged from the smell!
I wear perfume everyday, scented shampoo and bodywash. To me it's not excessive and my bf tells me I smell nice.
You say they are rude. It's not rude to put on scent. They are just likely to be innocent JWs, that hate the ministry getting grief at the door. They are trapped in a cult and need our kindness.
If I thought someone needed advice about the way they smell I would have a kind word....not tell them they are rude.
Kate xx
so now that most of us have come to a semi truthful understanding that the witnesses are wrong about evolutionist, there is a certain question that i have always had.
now if you were to ask any jw, they'd recite a complete fallacy from scientist regarding this.
but what is you guys input of this.
Carbon dating is a widely recognised technique and trustworthy. This thread is nonsense.
Kate xx