I had my son circumcised also. No big deal. I don't think it's as abusive as being in a cult and being shunned.
Kate xx
the topic of circumcision has been brought up a few times recently.
then i wondered... .
how do women really view circumcision?
I had my son circumcised also. No big deal. I don't think it's as abusive as being in a cult and being shunned.
Kate xx
those of you fading- with the memorial approaching are you going to appease family?
not going and making up an excuse?
acting like your going but not really?.
I am not a fader. I wish I was but I spoke my mind to quickly. Last year I was encouraged to go to the memorial.
As I am df'd it's just another opportunity to be ignored and shunned......I would rather talk to JWs at the trolley than go to a memorial.
My daughter is a fader and stopped going two years ago and never attended a memorial.
Kate xx
the topic of circumcision has been brought up a few times recently.
then i wondered... .
how do women really view circumcision?
The actual anatomy has no bearing on the priority in a relationship. If a man is generous, considerate, has a sense of humour and intelligent. It doesn't matter to me if he does or doesn't have foreskin.
I have no preference
Kate xx
just happy to be alive....can barely move ☺.. a girl who just got her license , and a new suv....thought it might be cool to pass the person in front of her....at a curve......on a two way road!!!!!😠😠😠.
very mad puppy.
Wow, What news. Glad you're home now and nothing is broken.
Kate xx
however, i haven't found any evidence to support that belief.. have you?
if so please, show me the evidence that god exists, and i will believe along with you.. criteria:.
(1) you must specify which god you are talking about;.
Why are you asking for evidence about the existence of God?
If you are happy being an atheist there is not need to question God's existence.
Kate xx
it's great to see all the familiar posters as i've been reading for the last few hours.
still offering great advice and help.
awesome job.
Wow coma,
I wondered where you were. nice to see you again and thanks for the update
Kate xx
one of the most common thing thrown at atheists is - lots of intelligent people believe in god.
this darkmatter 2525's video is an excellent explanation as to why very logical people possess religious belief systems.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y201qzddzbg.
Yes I am well Angus,
But I disagree, your ridiculous claim is that I was indoctrinated to believe in God, but my parents are both agnostic and atheist. So your claim is not supported by the evidence.
Sam xx
I don't think anyone is religious because of intelligence, they are religious sometimes in spite of it. - Simon
Lol hahaha very good. Einstein believed in God xx
one of the most common thing thrown at atheists is - lots of intelligent people believe in god.
this darkmatter 2525's video is an excellent explanation as to why very logical people possess religious belief systems.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y201qzddzbg.
You are intelligent and making the ridiculous claim about why intelligent people believe in God. I am intelligent and believe in God because of my scientific knowledge. Which I was discussing with cofty on another thread.
Scientific facts lead me to believe it's more probable that evolution was guided in the first stages.
But if you can prove me wrong as you are a chemical analyst also I will rethink what you're saying is a ridiculous claim.
Sam xx
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
i never thought i would admit it, but i don't.
i might superstitiously have some kind of doubt but digging a bit deeper in my heart i really don't believe in god.
as a human i could never just sit and watch people be tortured, live years of abuse, suffer from illness and disabilities and all the other awful things people have to endure day after day without doing something about it.
I pray to my milk everyday. The answer is always yes, no or wait.
Seriously though I do believe in a creator, but I don't think he cares about us,
Kate xx