Fair enough Rebel,
I did mention a few times that I knew his intentions were sincere. I just wanted to give him a clearer picture and be honest about my feelings.
Yes I know I can be a drama queen.
Good point
Kate xx
this thread is for when you have to say something to get it out of the system, whether it is happy or sad.
my reason for stating the thread is that on occasion some threads do tend to get a little heated here, and maybe this thread will enable us to reflect on the important fact, we are real people and not just dots on a computer screen.. i would love to start the thread with a bang, but nothing of particular interest has happened, only i do hope the weather improves as the climate i live in has been sadly chilly for the time of year, (if you get the deeper meaning).
the rebel..
Fair enough Rebel,
I did mention a few times that I knew his intentions were sincere. I just wanted to give him a clearer picture and be honest about my feelings.
Yes I know I can be a drama queen.
Good point
Kate xx
this thread is for when you have to say something to get it out of the system, whether it is happy or sad.
my reason for stating the thread is that on occasion some threads do tend to get a little heated here, and maybe this thread will enable us to reflect on the important fact, we are real people and not just dots on a computer screen.. i would love to start the thread with a bang, but nothing of particular interest has happened, only i do hope the weather improves as the climate i live in has been sadly chilly for the time of year, (if you get the deeper meaning).
the rebel..
There may be a way to change that dynamic slightly.- Giordano
Thank for your concern but you upset me even more as you don't remember the details I have posted in the past. You don't know us or our family.
Something experienced by both of you in the same place at the same time. Be it a movie, a favorite restaurant, shopping together, a sport. Meeting mutual friends if possible, visiting a museum, a concert, buying a book or DVD. Visiting second hand shops and 'lucking out' when you and your son find just the right fishing pole or musical instrument, or garment. - GiordanoTo repeat something I have said before the visits are supervised for two hours. We are stuck in a room not suitable for a 14 year old but for a 5 year old.
I appreciate you trying to do something good, but I want to be honest with you. This place is a place of strangers to me and when people give me advice about my family without remembering the details it hurts more and reminds me that the posters don't really know me and my family at all.
Yes you have been well meaning and thank you for that, but it hurts to realise you have no clue about my situation although I publicly post about it regularly.
Kate xx
this thread is for when you have to say something to get it out of the system, whether it is happy or sad.
my reason for stating the thread is that on occasion some threads do tend to get a little heated here, and maybe this thread will enable us to reflect on the important fact, we are real people and not just dots on a computer screen.. i would love to start the thread with a bang, but nothing of particular interest has happened, only i do hope the weather improves as the climate i live in has been sadly chilly for the time of year, (if you get the deeper meaning).
the rebel..
That was very expressive and honest. I feel for you and your challenges you are going through this week. Good luck with the break up.
Kate xx
right smack into (what looks like) the front entry!.
this was in australia, but the khs i've seen (in the us) are designed so that you'd have to almost intentionally want to ram a building to cause this kind of damage.
Yes likely a case of elderly drivers losing control of a vehicle. Pressing the gas instead of the brake. My parents are in their 70's and both drive. They are terrible drivers and me and my daughter hesitate to get in the car with them when they're driving.
It's a dilemma because you don't want to reduce their independence.
Kate xx
this thread is for when you have to say something to get it out of the system, whether it is happy or sad.
my reason for stating the thread is that on occasion some threads do tend to get a little heated here, and maybe this thread will enable us to reflect on the important fact, we are real people and not just dots on a computer screen.. i would love to start the thread with a bang, but nothing of particular interest has happened, only i do hope the weather improves as the climate i live in has been sadly chilly for the time of year, (if you get the deeper meaning).
the rebel..
Thanks Rebel,
Yes I can be passionate and it sometimes gets me in trouble with Simon, but in the end he always forgives me.
Kate xx
this thread is for when you have to say something to get it out of the system, whether it is happy or sad.
my reason for stating the thread is that on occasion some threads do tend to get a little heated here, and maybe this thread will enable us to reflect on the important fact, we are real people and not just dots on a computer screen.. i would love to start the thread with a bang, but nothing of particular interest has happened, only i do hope the weather improves as the climate i live in has been sadly chilly for the time of year, (if you get the deeper meaning).
the rebel..
Yes Rebel I agree the weather is cold for March, but it was last year too. Here in Liverpool is colder than Watford.
My rant now...........I saw my son on Saturday, it was great being with him, but I cried loads after we parted as it will be two weeks before we meet again. It's so mechanical, but I am maintaining the binds until he is free. We both look forward to a future not controlled by his JW father.
Kate xx
this has been tough.
very tough actually.
because i'm so integrated into things including certain tasks which i can't say as it would be a dead giveaway i find myself constantly bombarded by things.. i'm literally a lying every day.
Hi Hadriel,
It sounds like you've still got responsibilities in the KH. One suggestion I saw once was to start being incompetent at your tasks.
This is really hard if we have a good work ethic. But it beats lying to people everyday. Some elders learn TTATT and continue serving because they enjoy the power and responsibilities that come with being elders.
My daughter faded without any consequences such as bad reputation but she still lost her friends. This is what happens.
Others just learn TTATT and stay in for good. They are just trapped by their families.
Sorry to hear you're struggling hope you find a solution that best suits you and your family.
Kate xx
dangit.......like i gotta cook for this hot chick tonight, ........i rented a suite at the mayaguez beach hotel, and she's totally into me.
i have my jeep....im still sore from my wreck....but dangit...im into this girl and i need y'alls help.
im californian....kinda been in the tropic forrest..bout 2years....and need some southern help.
Glad you had a nice date. Are you seeing her again?
Kate xx
hi, new here but have been lurking for a while.
some background first, i am from the uk, 3rd gen born in, dad, grandad elders etc.
17 years ago i left, no df or da just left, 18 years old and alone but i did it and have had no regrets.
Calebs Airplane,
You make a good point, that's what I used to do with my kids when waking up. It worked a treat. Perhaps then the young children will wake up Grandma and Grandpa with their logic.
Out of the mouths of babes
Kate xx
the topic of circumcision has been brought up a few times recently.
then i wondered... .
how do women really view circumcision?
wow I didn't realise that so many people who are not males that had been circumcised had such strong views. And whilst what has been said is relevant and sensible it doesn't substantiate that all males that have been circumcised feel as if they had been mutilated or emotionally abused.
My son is more traumatised with other things in WT during his life than missing foreskin, my brother is unaffected by his circumcision and my father is unaffected by his.
I don't feel I was abusive or any members of my family were. But I am certainly going to discuss the pros and cons with my children and get them to do some research to draw their own conclusions and I will not give them a bias view that they should continue to circumcise sons to follow my family decisions.
This thread has given me food for thought. Thank you all for giving me this new perspective that I have mutilated and abused my son.
Kate xx